Baudrillard Essay Plan/ Notes –

Q – How valid are Baudrillard’s ideas of simulation and hyperreality to understanding the media? (Refer to Sims Freeplay and Teen Vogue).

Baudrillard –

Precession of simulacra = Society has become so obsessed and saturated with this ‘simulacra’ that all or any meaning has become meaningless. Simulacra is a representation of a thing that had/ has no origins or prefixed reality whereas a ‘simulation’ is a re-representation of one reality or, perhaps, an idealised reality.

The main argument being put forth by Baudrillard is that nothing in our culture is “real” in the true sense of the word. Everything that we consider real is simply a “simulacrum” which is basically just a representation or copy where the original no longer exists, like a statue of a person or picture.

Simulacra are copies that depict things that either had no original, or that no longer have an original. Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time.

Postmodernism –

Simulation –

Hyperreality – Baudrillard’s idea of hyperreality was heavily influenced by phenomenology, semiotics, and Marshall McLuhan. … Hyperreality is the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality, especially in technologically advanced societies.

Mcluhan –

In relation to Sims –

SIMS = SIMulation = intangible

In relation to Teen Vogue –

Overall impact of new media –

 Jürgen HabermasJean BaudrillardJean-Francois LyotardFredric Jameson

  • Establish your knowledge of Postmodernism / Baudrillard
  • Establish your knowledge of ‘simulation’ and ‘hypperreality’
  • Apply these concepts to 2 of your case studies
  • Make some assertions about the impact of new media in terms of society and the individual
  • Conclude

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