Argument = how new technologies has shaped the way audiences consume media.

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– Introduce the CSPs briefly

– Historical context

– Technological Advancements

– WOTW was very serious broadcast whereas LH is more casual, shift in society

– WOTW has very iconic sounds, whereas LH has more symbolic for entertainment purposes

– LH tagret audience of teens/young people

– WOTW target of more adults

WOTW overdramtises such as how they say 40 minutes in: I am obsessed with the thought I am the last living man on Earth. people believed this as they couldnt check on google

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– Mentioning how BBC has a subscription service and its been increased this year

– How the target audience of LH and WOTW has changed

– Social changes

– Clay Shirky end of audience theory

– Henry Jenkins and participatory culture/fandoms

– Hesmondhalgh and how the media is a risky business

– Laswells communciation model and how theres been a shift in audience participation and people now are more media literate. LH includes audience participation such as texting in whereas WOTW doesn’t

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– Start to wrap up

– Talk about Stanley Cohen and Folk Devils and Moral Panics and how WOTW links to this

– Cultivation theory and how Gerbners theory links to the spreading of fake news in WOTW

– WOTW spreads propaganda and was provately funded through ads whereas BBC LH is funded by peoples subscriptions

– New media makes users sign into BBC and they can see analytics on what users click on and how long theyre on pages for

– Stuart Hall and theory of preferred reading based on how the BBC LH does shows based on social situations and people can text in with questions

Paragraph 4:

– Conclusion

– both CSPs differ

– Technological advancements

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