Livingstone and peter lunt

What is the difference between between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

consumer based media: when companies focus on creating media in a way of focusing on consumers needs and desires.

citizen based media: when companies are aware of people how have no money – based around all of societies wants – based around the government – produce content that contributes to the social and cultural health.

what impact did the 2003 communications act have on media regulations?

  • designed by the labour government
  • introduced Ofcom
  • good as it helps the UK television industry become competitive in the globalized media landscape of the late twentieth century.
  • tries to ensure tat the media landscape is not dominated by a single organisation. ( according to livingstone and lunt)
  • they argued that Ofcom established institutional structures and roles relating to consumer policy, striking, little equivalent activity or accountability was for-coming regarding actions to further citizen interest.”
  • Ofcom
  • advertising standards authority – overseas complaints made by members of the public regarding adverts
  • independent press organisation – the semi official press regulator for the UK overseas reader.
  • we all have to contribute to TV companies like BBC – if o one paid for TV licence then channels like BBC would not exist as no one would be paying for it.

what is the drawbacks of a self-regulated system

  • you can hold yourself accountable so therefore it isn’t fair – The press will do what they want to do to ensure they make money.
  • the leverson ” millie dowler” inquiry relates to the regulation of media companies – rules are put in place
  • we live in a society of Neo Liberalism = let people say what they want – allows for freedom of choice but is not always ethical and can b seen as offensive and disrespectful.
  • The killing – is about murder – you have to make something that sells – livingstone and lunt `believes that society has gone to far – freedom has taken over to far.

How do you regulate media content and organisation on global scale?

  • make a global well known rules and regulations
  • not only regulate media content , but regulate media technologies – ideas around how technology (twitter) influence media (Donald trumps twitter was taken down, in order to regulate media.)

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