CSP- Score

Score uses advertising to market their product to there consumers, they do this through using media language to encourage consumers to buy their products.

Media Language

Mise-en-scene- the man holding the gun represents masculinity and power, the fact he sitting above everyone shows he has dominance and is in control of the situation. The fact he is surrounded by girls in very little clothing suggests that he gained all the girls through this magical hair cream.

The image is set in the jungle- links to post colonialism- white man has power over minorities, empire.

Slogane- “get what you have always wanted” this suggest through using the hair cream you can get all greatest desires.

1967- during this time this advert would be very appealing to men, as it fits into the style and aesthetics of the 60s, with the hair and makeup the girls were wearing, women were also regularly objectified and seen more and as an object that could be won, which would tie into the idea that men could win women with this hair cream.


This advert was designed before the 2nd wave of feminism and the sexualisation was widely acceptable which is why and advert like this would have been popular.

This advert feeds into the dominant ideology that women are only useful as an object of a mans desires. This plays on sexist stereotypes that men should be masculine and that women should obey them.

Laura Mulvey- Male Gaze, this advert plays into the idea that media is tailored to the male gaze (having pretty girls in little clothing), score uses this to advertise there hair cream to men by gaining their attention through women.

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