Audience theory

  • Cat flaps
  • B.F. Skinner, operant conditioning
  • Schedule of reward
  • ‘the friction of free will’
  • Propaganda – political and manipulative
  • Persuasion – discrete (invisible)
  • Harold Lasswell – Book after WW1 about propaganda techniques in war
  • Hypodermic model – ‘Subtle poison’ ideologies being ‘injected’ into the ‘veins’ of a passive audience- Lasswell
  •  the SENDER is transferring a MESSAGE, through a MEDIUM (eg Print, radio, TV, etc) that has a direct effect on the RECEIVER.
  • Zuboff – The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
  • Zuboff was a student of Skinner
  • Negative adverts in elections
  • Facebook altering their page layout for trump election
  • ‘The most serious threat … is the power this technology gives one man to impose his views and values on another.’
  • Alexander Nix – former CEO of Cambridge Analytica and a former director of the Strategic Communication Laboratories Group
  • Persuade people with emotions not facts
  • In 2018 Cambridge Analytica was dissolved after undercover video footage showed Nix claiming his company was using honey traps, bribery stings, and prostitutes, among other tactics, to influence more than 200 elections globally for his clients.
WHO The mail on sunday – Says What Left positive message supporting the work of the NHS – Channel Newspaper – To Whom British public – With What Effect positive effect informing them of good work and use of tax money within the public interest.
  • Shannon and Weaver 1949
  • Two Step Flow of Communication (active consumption)
  • The Theory of Preferred Reading :At around the same time Stuart Hall, working at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS), at the University of Birmingham, was also developing a critical theory that looked to analyse mass media communication and popular culture as a way of both uncovering the invidious work of the State and Big Business, as well as looking for ways of subverting that process. Hall was working at a time of great societal upheaval and unrest in the UK (read this article as a useful insight) and was therefore committed to understand the relationship between power, communication, culture, control and . . . behaviour management.

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