Theoretical position – Curran and Seaton 

The idea that the media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and power. The idea that media concentration generally limits or inhibits variety, creativity and quality.  

The daily mail evidence –  

Owned by the daily mail and general trust – owns the daily mail, mail on Sunday, Metro, mail today and mail online.  

Political view – right wing/ supporting conservatives – meaning this political view will be represented throughout all the media forms owned and produced through DMGT.  

Jonathon Harmsworth is the aristocratic owner of the Daily Mail 

DMGT owned by Rothermere Continuation Limited – they can control all the right-wing news being released to the 2.2 million readerships daily.  

Overall, the news that is read by 2.2million people daily have the conservative view channeled through that all their different forms of media.  

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