high order thinking

Chomsky– this links to manufacturing consent for example step 1 is ownership and this is clear with daily mail as it’s part of one large conglomerate DMGT, which owns several smaller companies like Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday and Metro and it’s even bought the I now for 49.6 million in November 2019 .

Step 2 is how the papers (Daily Mail and I) advertise the messages they want to spread within the paper, or for example ‘your tactical voting to boost the Tories and Brexit’, they can advertise and spread this message due to the fact they own several papers which are all owned by the DMGT therefore they can decide to advertise and spread messages promoting Brexit and cultivating the audience.

3 the media elite- these are the few bosses like Viscount Rothmore and he’s a supporter of the conservative party. Daily Mail was founded by Alfred Harmsworth and Harold Harmsworth. It’s the people at the top of company who get to decide what is posted and what’s in the paper and the editor is George Carron Greig who is an English journalist Greig supported the UK remaining in the EU in the June 2016 referendum as editor of The Mail on Sunday. He then shifted his stance to supporting Theresa May‘s withdrawal agreement. Greig was considered to have steered the Daily Mail in a pro-Remain direction, which has been criticised by his predecessor.

4- the flak is the people they go against and we know they’re conservatives so they’re against labor and democrats. Lastly, they are also the common enemy.

Habermas– the theory of the public sphere is evident in both papers, they both create a private space for people to meet and discuss common interests. For example, the conservative sided paper will allow other conservatives to meet and discuss their political issues as they share a common interest in them and they achieve this public sphere through the fact they have reading the paper in common.

Althusser– His theory of interpellation and ideological state apparatus can be applied to either paper. These papers are what shapes us into who we are and they construct an identity for us, i.e the papers may include things that shape our political views or tell us how to behave and cultivate us into behaving and believing the way they want us to through inter

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