The Daily Mail is owned by Daily Mail and General Trust which is owned by Jonathan Harmsworth , 4th Viscount Rothemere.
Launched in 1896 by Harold and Alfred Harmsworth, Jonathan’s great grandfather
Daily, mid-market newspaper published in tabloid format
Lord Rothemere was a friend of Adolf Hitler and Benito Moussilini and stanced his newspapers towards them in the 1930
Launched in 2003, MailOnline was made into a separately managed site in 2006.Edited by Martin Clarke and general managed by James Bromley. It’s now the most visited English-language newspaper website in the world, having over 11.34m visitors daily in August 2014
sued by Elton John in 2004 for 100,000$
sued by J.K Rowling in 2014
Sued by Melania Trump, first lady of the United States in 2017 for 150,000,000$