Institutional ANALYSIS

  • Media concentration =
  • Conglomerates =
  • Globalisation (in terms of media ownership) = across the world
  • Vertical Integration – when somebody own multiple/all companies in the production and distribution chain.
  • Horizontal Integration = making/producing multiple things
  • Gatekeepers = in charge of what happens – hold power – allows certain things to happen
  • Regulation = instating regulations and restrictions – law and government
  • Deregulation = removal of regulations and restrictions
  • Free market = made by the people for the people, truth and not for profit or dominance.
  • Monopolies = when one company/person owns/dominates the market – lacks diversity – dominated/overpowered
  • Mergers = when two companies merge together
  • Neo-liberalism =
  • Alt-Right = ideological grouping of reactionary viewpoints, through the use of online media to disseminate controversial content.
  • Surveillance = observing/recording something
  • Privacy = right to do ones own thing without expose or observation
  • Security =
  • GDPR =

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