• Structuralism has been very powerful in its influence on narrative theory. Its main virtue is that it is most interested in those things that narratives have in common, rather than in the distinctive characteristics of specific narratives.’
  • According to Thompson (1990) ‘in studying narrative structure, we can seek to identify the specific narrative devices which operate within a particular narrative, and to elucidate their role in telling a story . . . it can be illuminating to focus on a particular set of narratives . . . and to seek to identify the basic patterns and roles which are common to them.’ (288)

Tztevan Todorov (Tripartite narrative structure): Beginning, Middle and End.- Memento has no clear beginning, middle or end.

Vladimir Propp (Character Types and Function): Fairytails have similar characters.

Claude Levi-Strauss (Binary Oppositions):

This structural approach could also be referenced to Freytag’s Pyramid exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and denouement as illustrated below.

Elision and Ellipsis- Not played in real time

Flashbacks and Flash forwards

Parallel or simultaneous narratives- Time can run simultaneously.

Dramatic Irony- Knowing something important that the characters don’t.

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