Post modernism

def: postmodernism is a way of seeing the world/ideas.(philosophy)

Music videos is a good recognition of postmodernism.

characterised by: re-imagining , pastiche, parody,copy,bricolage.

copy- other peoples work is use to create something.

Postmodernism is fragmentary and complicated, not everyone see’s it in the same way.

pastiche- is a work of art, drama,literature,music or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist.

parody- is a work or performance that imitated another piece of work with irony or a ridicule.( to mock/make fun of) An example of this is ‘The Simpsons’ ‘Rear window’ Simpsons recreated a scene out of the movie, a diliberate copy of the photos hanging on the wall from ‘Rear Window’ are used in the Simpsons.(intertextuality)

intertextuality- deliberately weaving in a link or reference to another text.

Shuker- “their preoccupation with visual style”- no narrative structure of music videos(no conflict, resolution) eg Art of noise, there is no meaning. surface and style over substance.

If the priority is play then the emphasis is on the surface. The focus is shallow, superficial,lacking depth.

The Art Of Noise- experimental musicians from 1980’s who presented themselves through abstract videos.

In the postmodern world surfaces and style becomes the most important defining features of the mass media and popular culture.

Postmodernism- frivolous, trite,casual,surface,throw-away.

Music videos are about the visuals rather than the ‘substance’ the music itself.

Slavoj Zizek- talks about kinder egg “do you buy it for the wrapping, chocolate or the toy inside?” if only focusing on the surface we may loose sight on what’s on the inside. Aim for the centre piece ( the toy) and enjoy the surface rather than aiming for less and just hoping for more.

1959-Richard Hoggart- a shift in modern societies, ‘neighbourhood lives’ to know everybody locally, in which everything is near.

John Urry- no longer make and consume we only consume now.’ now cities towns, villages and houses all became high-consuming energy centres.” this has altered the nature of societies and individuals living in them.(Jersey is different as it can be seen as ‘ old fashioned’ as we are a small island and everything is local’

Postmodernism- huge cities/towns/villages have high desires of consumption. Desire to desire- eg coca cola , ‘everything must be enjoyable’.

Key characteristics – the development of fragmented, alienated individuals living in fragmented societies.

Fragmentary consumption= fragmentary identities – Example mobile phones; constantly consuming images, sounds,stories and messages.

Off shoring- 5 large Garbage patches in the world, floating waste islands trapped in ‘gyros’ constant currents keep the waste in one certain place.

off shoring- Illegal things like torture, poor treatment of work staff ect… all this stuff happens secretly and is missed by people as they only look as far as the surface. Eg- apple phones, seen as a luxury, popular needed, however the labour is pushed aside.(the inside)

The loss of a metanarrattive- those overarching ideas, attitudes,values and beliefs tat have held us together are now questioned. No one seemed to agree on what was real and had their own perspectives and stories. Zizek- there is no ‘other’ aka GOD then there is a sudden realisation that we are alone (lacan)

Simulacra- simulations of reality (real but not real). Not just a representation of the real, but the real itself. Hyperreality.

Example- DUBAI- 45 degrees however can go skiing on slopes in the summer. Also dubai built a ‘larger and better’ Taj Mahal, for tourists to visit for cheaper.

Example- DISNEYLAND – all over the world and a new one to be built in London in 2024 for those in britian , making it cheaper to visit rather than flying to America,paris, or any other countries.

Habermas- the decline in public sphere through a range of societal shifts;

  • increased globalisation of economic trade
  • the transformation from citizens to consumers
  • insures in digital communication technologies
  • the dominance of a small economic elite over global economic, political and cultural exchange.

Can we trust the media? – An event happens and the way the media portrays it can effect the way the consumers see the event.

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