Orientalism by Edward Said– link between culture, imperial power and colonialism.’the power to narrate, or to block other narratives from forming or emerging, is very important to culture and imperialism’.

 ‘An accepted grid for filtering through the Orient into Western consciousness‘ (Barry, 2017 : 195)

‘an economic system like a nation or a religion, lives not by bread alone, but by beliefs, visions, daydreams as well, and these may be no less vital to it for being erroneous’ V. G. Kiernan.

The recognition of the ‘Other’ is mainly attributed the French philosopher and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan ‘The Other’ as a way of exploring ourselves. The mirror stage.

Louis Althusser: ISA’s & the notion of ‘Interpellation’. ISA= ideological state apparatus. ‘all ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects, through the functioning of the category of the subject ‘(Althusser 1971:190) . Society is structured to keep you in place.’ The ruling ideology, which is the ideology of ‘the ruling class’,’ (2014:245). Ruling ideas are your ideas. You are interpellated or hailed in that society as a subject (the way in which you are constructed by dominant ideology, i.e if dominant ideology is male you will be interpellated for being a women and you are the ‘other’.)

Black face was when black or white people pained black over their face and acted stereo typically and in a racist way depicting black people.

‘from America, black voices will take up the hymn with fuller unison. The ‘black world’ will see the light .- FRANTZ Fanon

  1. Assimilation of colonial culture corresponding to the ‘mother country’ Chinua Achebe talks of the colonial writer as a ‘somewhat unfinished European who with patience guidance will grow up one day and write like every other European.’ (1988:46)
  2. Immersion into an ‘authentic’ culture ‘brought up out of the depths of his memory; old legends will be reinterpreted’
  3. Fighting, revolutionary, national literature, ‘the mouthpiece of a new reality in action’.

Gramsci believes culture is a tug of war for power, its a hegemonic struggle. Fighting the power and reclaiming power. N-word reclaiming the language.

 the concept of Hegemony to illustrate how certain cultural forms predominate over others, which means that certain ideas are more influential than others, usually in line with the dominant ideas, the dominant groups and their corresponding dominant interests.  Gramsci ,1993:59).

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