Narrative Theory

  • Structuralist approach.
  • Narrative is to do with time and how it is used.
  • Beginning, middle and end.
  • Time can be linear, non linear, sequential or non sequential.
  • Chronological order.
  • Space can be moved around, altered and changed in order to create a story.
  • Space can be organised.
  • Theme that links it all together (eg. Family) .
  • Narrative, story and plot.
  • Narrative = the overall thing.
  • Story = about a specific story.
  • Plot = what happens with these characters and the main theme/narrative.
  • Tztevan Todorov = Bulgarian film/cultural theorist = Tripartite narrative structure. (3 part narrative structure = beginning, middle and end).
  • Narratives start as an EQUILIBRIUM then gets DISRUPTED so then there is a NEW EQUILIBRIUM.
  • Freytag – dramatic structure – exposition (character, place, introducing everything), climax (big event to create a story/conflict), Denouement (resolution)
  • Doesn’t have to go in that order.
  • Vladimir Propp – Character Types and Functions = stock characters perform stock actions – you know what they are going to do (predictable) .
  • Different stages of a story.
  • Claude Levi-Strauss = looking at individuals and the way people are in different parts of the world. Found the similarities between different societies from the stories that they all tell. He found that the stories were generally about binary oppositions.
  • Telling stories about what is good and bad.
  • We never know what is, we only know what isn’t. We don’t know who we are, we only know what we are not.
  • Narratives play out a binary opposition by showing what is good and bad.
  • Contrasting opposites
  • Seymour Chatman = You can divide stories into two parts
  • Kernels = big parts of the story that if they were taken out, the story would not make sense.
  • Satellites = things that can be changed and it won’t drastically effect the story. They are used for embellishment and can be adapted. Character looks for example, can be satellites and can be changed without the story being really effected.

I think my video will include a main character whom

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