narrative notes

Narrative are organised around a particular theme, space and are based in an idea of time.

They are usually linear and sequential so they have a beginning middle and end.

Narrative is the overall structure in communication which can be broken down into story and plot.

Story is what is within the narrative ie props or people.

Tztevan Todorov (tripartite narrative structure) Beginning / middle / end, this can also be presented as – equilibrium – disruption – new equilibrium

A video needs a high point of drama known as climax which has an inciting incident to lead up to it, at the end there should be some kind of resolution.

Claude LeviStrauss (Binary Oppositions) For example having good vs evil as a theme or male vs female.

Vladmir Propp (character types and function) “Stock characters” each film has different characters which different roles for example each film has a hero and a victim, usually portrayed in different ways.

Seymour Chatman : Satelittes & Kernels Kernels – key movements in the plot / narrative structure Satellites – embellishments, development, aesthetics

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