Key Terms

Barthes- a french philosopher who developed the ideas of semiotics.

Pierce- an american philosopher who studied the idea of different ways of communication and the idea that things could be split into three sections, iconic, symbolic or indexical.

Saussure- was a Swiss linguist and semiotician. He theorised in language and the connections between their meanings associated with the language. He developed the ideas of signified and

Semiotics- the study of signs and symbols and how to interpret them.

Sign- an object or gesture that shows an intention or idea.

Signifier- a signs physical form for example sound. (Saussure)

Signified- the meaning of a something expressed by a sign. (Saussure)

An Iconic Sign- a representative symbol of an object or person for example a picture of the queen.

An Indexical sign- An indirect communication for example colour

A Symbolic Sign- letters

Code- a communication of rules or orders.

Dominant Signifier- main sign for example the JEP’s dominant sign is the tile JEP.

Anchorage- the fixing of meaning towards the sign

Ideology- a set of ideas or beliefs

Paradigm- a collection of signs

Syntagm- a sequence of signs that work together. Number of signs need each other for it to be right or make sense.

Signifcation- the representation or conveying of meaning.

Denotation- the object

Connotation- the meaning of the word

Myth- a belief that lots of people believe in however it isn’t true.

Radical text- challenges a dominant ideology.

A Reactionary Text- supports dominant ideology.

Dominant Ideology- dominant attitudes ideas and beliefs.

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