post colonialism

  • Colonialism – a policy of acquiring full or partial political control over another country
  • Post Colonialism – theoretical approach in multiple different disciplines
  • Diaspora – dispersion of any people that are from their original homeland
  • Bame – a term that has been used in the UK to refer to black or people of a different ethnicity
  • Double consciousness (Gilroy) – a book about the black atlantic culture that has incorporated elements from different cultures e.g. African, American, British and Caribbean
  • Cultural absolutism – the idea created exploiting that there are certain principles and sets of values that are either right or wrong in every context
  • Cultural syncretism – distinct aspects of different cultures are combined together to create something new and unique
  • Orientalism – a book written by Edward W Said, in which he developed the complete idea of Orientalism to define the West’s historic representation of The East
  • Appropriation – where a culture adopts different aspects of another culture
  • Cultural hegemony – domination or power maintained by ideological or cultural meanings
  • The public sphere – a gained public opinion obtained that can be formed about the activities taken place within the government
  • The role of public service broadcasting – for example the BBC news are usually biased towards different minorities in a negative manner portraying an unfair image of how they’re presented

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