csp 9:war of the worlds

Section C (Teen Vogue, The I, War of the Worlds

2 Essays in sec C worth 20 marks each

language, representation, industries and audience

Andrew Crissel – distinctive characteristics of radio as media

Orson Welles delivered the radio broadcast

It was an adaptation of H.G Welles novel

The novel was published in 1898 but the radio broadcast was released in 1938.

Can be classed as “Fake News”

The first broadcast caused panic widely which led to the producer being forced to announce that it was fictional

Easily spread as there were double the amount of radios in homes than telephones

“Moral Panic” Stanley Cohen – “Folk devils and moral panics” (worries in the public that media causes)

Andrew Crissel – “Radio is a blind media”

CBS produced War of the Worlds

An explanation for the tenacious grip of the War of the Worlds “panic” myth is that the public then and now have a deep-rooted anxiety about the power of the media.

the Language of Radio is used creatively to structure a text that could be taken as fact, but is clearly fiction

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