
My Ad (Made last term)

I took photos of my mouse to go in the magazine as an article for it but never actually made it. When we got told we had to make an advertisement page for our gaming magazine I thought this shot would work really well as it looks similar to a shot you would see for a mouse advertisement. I then found the style model (above) that was similar to how I imagined it to look. I then took logos from the internet and placed them in similar places as the style model. I then went on to find a name/number for it to show it is a new product as the mouse is actually a G203. All gaming products by Logitech are called G— ( – represents a number). I found the name/number G279 was not taken so to make the mouse different I photoshopped the wire out. On the text I changed the g to look like the g in the logo. I ended up using two o’s where I photoshopped half of one out so it can go underneath the other to look like a g.

Online Event

Phone Game

Source Used for the Pennywise Image:

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