- sign –
- code –
- convention –
- dominant signifier – main sign/image
- anchorage – piece of media uses another piece of media to reduce the amount of connotations
- Ideology – system of ideas and ideals
- radical – affecting the fundamental nature of something
- reactionary – opposing political/social progress/reform
- paradigm – distinct set of concepts or thought patterns
- syntagm – the relationship between any two syntagms
Ferdinand de Saussure
- signifier – associated with or image of something
- signified – idea or concept of the thing
C S Pierce
- iconic sign – looks like object eg, props
- indexical sign – links to object eg, sound
- symbolic sign – has an arbitrary/random link to object
Roland Barthes
- signification – representation/conveying of meaning.
- denotation – literal or primary meaning of a word
- connotation – idea or feeling which a word invokes
- myth – false belief or idea