James Curran notes

“the watchdog role is said to override in importance all other functions in media and to dictate the form in which the media should be organised”

“once the media becomes subject to public regulation it will lose its bite as a watchdog and may even be transformed into a snarling rottweiler in the service of the state”

“the primary democratic role of the media is to act as a public watchdog” A watchdog is someone who protects the public from the “shadows” as they become as anonymous as possible to fight and expose the truth for the public and this quote is saying how the media is part of the “people” and help the “people”.

-The media is made to inform us the public but yet needs a sense of regulation as if the media has no restrictions they can publish whatever they want rather it be false or completely unacceptable so the government has put regulations onto the media but then they have a sense of control upon the media and can filter what goes through also known as “flack” so the government could stop negative information against them to never be published for the public

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