radio show script and schedule

Radio show name=Sunny Days 

Starts at 8:30am friday


Good morning welcome to the sunny days radio show. I’m Orna, and on this show we will be playing indie pop rock songs that give summer vibes, from bands you might not have heard of. In Between these songs we will have small breaks of chat, where we discuss indie video games and elaborating on what we call our all time favourites. But before we get into all of that, let’s start the morning off right, with hot rod and by dayglow followed by drop the guillotine by peach pit. Enjoy.

(Break for 2 songs)

(5 minute section) possibly more if when tested it runs over

“Allllrighttt were back and I have my live guest with me alice shingles with me today”

( alices says “hello it’s nice to be here”)

“ and she’s here to answer my question about indie video games.”

“Okay Alice starting off the interview, what would you say are your top 3 favourite indie games that fall into the categories of horror, adventure, and all time comfort games.”

(let her answer with the titles)(only catch horror one has to be little nightmares or a game that I can relate to little nightmares for the next question)

Ask her to elaborate and give a summary of the game for the listeners. Starting with horror, then adventure, then all time comfort game

(check time length of just answering these)

(Then if theres more time follow with this)

“Okay after hearing you mention the indie game little nightmares as your favourite horror game I would love to hear your opinions on I guess you could call it the prequel that came out just a bit ago called little nightmares 2. could you summarise the storyline for our listeners that might not have heard of it and could you give your overall thoughts on the game.

(let her talk about it summary and overall thoughts about the game plus rating out of 10)

And if there’s still time before she rates the game I talk about my theory on the huntsman and the loop theory depending if you don’t talk about it)

“Okay thank you alice for coming on the show it was great to hear your thoughts and theories about these games and i’m sure the listeners were glad to hear your opinions as well”

(alice replies back with “thanks for having me”or “it was a pleaser”)

End of live chat

“Okkkayyy back to the tunes next up we have Peach Tree Rascals with Things Won’t Go My Way, followed by peach pit again with one of their newer songs puppy grin. Enjoy.

(Break for 2 songs)

“Helllloo again now we are going to be going to a pre recorded segment where I went around asking students at hautlieu what video games impacted them the most and there thoughts on them now. Enjoy.”

(go to pre recorded bit)

“Wasn’t that eye opening. That segment hopefully might have given you listeners a game or 2 to try out next. Anyways our radio show is coming close to the end so we are going to end it how we began with the 2 same bands with there songs figure of 8 by the one and only peach pit and to end the show with a nice up beat tune called Listerine by dayglow.” 

(Break for 2 songs)


“okay that’s been sunny days radio show thanks for listening”

((Find out if you need to introduce the next radio show or not))

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