Definitions Reviews

Roland Barthes: Bart simpson – denotation yellow skin, connotation no race therefore shows no messages based on race

De Saussure – David de Sousa signifies cool man – signifier the object literally, signified is the meaning of the object

C S. Pierce – Pierce the possum – iconic any literal thing looks like the object, indexical is the linked meaning to the object, has the meaning of gun and violence, symbolic a random link (Blue means masculine but only culturally not factually)


Todorov – Book called Tod, narrative theory – equilibrium , dis-equilibrium, equilibrium – how narrative follows a structure

Freytag – Freya’s tag on the narrative book – rising action, climax, falling action – narrative structure

Levi-Strauss – levi expensive jeans stray cat – binary oppositions, rich poor, black white, old young etc

Prop – a mannequin prop in show – character types, princess, hero etc.


Neale – repeatedly kneeling down in a similar and diiferent way – repetition of similarity and differences. 


Gilroy – Gil and roy, double consciousness and hybridity, identify as two cultures, American and black, English and Asian, identify as two nationalities and race

Edward Said – Said about Orientalism, eastern world don’t have the power to represent themselves so the western world has to represent them in the media, this leads to the stereotype of cultures, Indian belly dancers, Arabic snake charmers etc

Jacques Lacan – la can catch jack but cant catch the other one – The ‘other’, mirror stage at 3, only a reflection to see ourselves, using the other in media to explore ourselves.

Franz Fanon – Canon camera black and white, stereotypes become damaging and can lead to derogatory abuse

Feminist Critical thinking

Judith Butler – Judy Dench an actor, female behaviour as a performance, multiple identity’s performed to different people in different situations – Judy as a cat in one film and colonial woman (modest) in another

Mulvey – Male gaze and female gaze in media, representation in media created to fit and sell more often for the male gaze – score has lots of overly sexualised woman

bell-hooks – ring a bell repeatedly but hook in one, multiple identities, multiple identities including racism, gender (fluidity), sexuality such as female and gay – not one type of woman, can have multiple traits

Audience theories

Stuart Hall – In a school, the reception is at the end of the hall, at reception there is 3 boxes. Reception theory – 3 types of views towards media, dominant (agree) view , negotiated (points of both sides) and oppositional (disagree).

Gerbner -Cult of gerbils, the more gerbils you see, the more gerbil you feel. Cultivation theory, media shapes the way people think (TV specific) after repeatedly doing an action, taking in same ideas, your thoughts will align

Lasswell – Lassie the dog getting an injection of hating the gays, needle – Hypodermic needle model, media inject ideas into the audience is passive

Lazarfeld – Lazer field, two steps of a field with lazers – Two step flow model, not injected straight into audeince (like Lasswell) filtered through two steps, media first, filter product to opinion leaders who interpret and relay to the masses. Relate to Radio, life hacks and WofW, or music videos

Clay Shirky – End of Audience theory ‘the more ideas there are in circulation, the more ideas there are for any individual to disagree with‘.

Jenkins – Jenkin from cadets everyone loves, should have more jenkins Audience feedback, the media creates more things as a result of audience feedback , if a certain type of media brings positive feedback it will prompt media to create more of that – all due to new technology, and ability/accessibility to quickly receive feedback.


Habermas – Transformation of the public sphere, new technology created easy to communicate between everyone

Curran and Seaton – blackcurrant on all the seats, need to have diversity of people on seats – liberal free press – media needs to be diverse, massive conglomerate own multiple companies,

Hesmondhalgh – risky business, (chicken) when smaller companies make films through risky business they will often lose money, whereas a large corporation can afford to lose money

Moral Panic – when news causes mass panic, creating fear through society

Chomsky – chomp down on popular ideas, manufacturing consent, getting the dominant ideology to be accepted by the audience, people of power downgrade other people to make less credible, flack – strong criticism

Fandom – state of being a fan of someone

> Representation
> Liberal Free Press
> Transformation of Public Sphere
> Ideology
> passive / active
> reception theory / theory of preferred reading
> Cultivation theory
> Culture, politics, history
> (Fandom / Moral Panic)

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