
Theories around ethnicity and postcolonial theory:

• Cultural imperialism

• Multiculturalism

• Imagined communities

• Marginalisation

• Orientalism

• Otherness (alterity).

Gilroy’s ideas and theories on ethnicity and post-colonial theory:

• Diaspora

• Double Consciousness


• Pastiche

• Bricolage

• Intertextuality

• Implosion.

Baudrillard’s ideas and theories on postmodernism:

• Simulacra

• Simulation

• Hyperreality

Feminist theories:

• Male gaze

• Voyeurism

• Patriarchy

• Sexualisation/Raunch Culture

• Post-feminism

• Female gaze.

Van Zoonen’s ideas and theories on feminist theory:

• Gender and power

• Gender as discourse.

Hooks’ ideas and theories on feminist theory:

• Intersectionality.

Theories of gender performativity:

• Sex and gender.

Butler’s ideas and theories on gender performativity:

• Gender as performativity (‘a stylised repetition of acts’)

• Gender as historical situation rather than natural fact

• Subversion.


• Prosumer

• Interactivity.

Jenkins’ ideas and theories on fandom:

• Participatory culture

• Textual poaching.

‘End of audience’ theories:

• Digital natives

• ‘We the media’

• Web 2.0

• Convergence

• Prosumer.

Shirky’s ideas and theories on ‘End of audience’:

• Mass amateurisation

• Cognitive surplus

Regulation as summarised by Livingstone and Lunt

• Public sphere

• Governance

• Regulation

• Public interest/PSB

• Media literacy

• Power

• Value

• Transnational culture

• Globalisation.

Cultural industries as summarised by Hesmondhalgh

• Cultural industries

• Commodification

• Convergence

• Diversity

• Innovation

• Conglomeration

• Vertical integration

• Cultural imperialism.

Topics already covered in AS syllabus


• Sign

• Signifier

• Signified

• Dominant signifier

• Icon

• Index

• Code

• Symbol

• Anchorage

• Ideology

• Paradigm

• Syntagm.

Barthes’ ideas and theories on semiotics:

• Signification

• Denotation

• Connotation

• Myth.

Genre theory as summarised by Neale

• Conventions and rules

• Sub-genre

• Hybridity

• Genres of order and integration

• ‘Genre as cultural category’.


• Narrative Codes

• Narration

• Diegesis

• Quest narrative

• ‘Character types’

• Causality

• Plot

• Masterplot.

Todorov’s ideas and theories on narratology:

• Narrative structure

• Equilibrium

• Disruption

• New equilibrium.

Lévi-Strauss’ ideas and theories on structuralism:

• Binary oppositions

• Mytheme

• Cultural codes

• Ideological reading

• Deconstruction

Theories of representation:

• Positive and negative stereotypes

• Countertypes

• Misrepresentation

• Selective representation

• Dominant ideology

• Constructed reality

• Hegemony

• Audience positioning.

Hall’s ideas and theories on representation:

• Encoding/decoding.

Theories of identity as summarised by Gauntlett

• Fluidity of identity

• Constructed identity

• Negotiated identity

• Collective identity

Media effects

• Uses and gratifications

• Hypodermic needle theory

• Moral panic

• Cumulation

• Media literacy.

Bandura’s ideas and theories on media effects:

• Social learning/Imitation (B. F. Skinner)

 Cultivation theory:

• Socialisation

• Standardisation

• Enculturation

• Bardic function.

Gerbner’s ideas and theories on cultivation theory:

• Cultivation differential

• Mainstreaming

• Resonance

• Mean World Index.

Reception theory:

• Agenda setting (Chomsky)

• Framing (Chomsky)

• Myth making (Barthes / Chomsky / Althusser)

• Conditions of consumption.

Hall’s ideas and theories on reception theory:

• Encoding/decoding

• Hegemonic/negotiated/oppositional.

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