teen vogue csp17

Marshall Mcluhan- the theory that ‘the medium is the message’ states that we should state the form rather than the context. Social media platform- Feburary 21 2020 by Lauren Rearick titled ” Beyoncé’s BeyGOOD Charity Provided Water, Food, and Monetary Relief to Texans Impacted by the Winter Storm”

Due to the media form it is easier to access this increases the audience size meaning rather than using one public place to view things like a cinema people can now access websites on there phones making it more private to view things independently rather than as a group.

This allows people to encode,decode and oppose different ideas from the media, people will have different opinions on media products. For example on the teen vogue website Beyonces charitable work could be tweeted about or re-tweeted. This shows that there can be 2 way communication between many people.

Stories can also be shared on social platforms like Facebook as well as making comments on posts. This shows that the audience is now more active rather than passive.

Due to the medium of teen vogue teen readers can binge read different stories and experiences from celebrities and politicians as there are endless amounts of content.

Due to the amount of Facebook friends or Instagram followers circulation of the story will increase.

Media can now personalize websites and suggest stories for individuals rather than like old media when newspapers were the main type of medium it was a much more general.

marshall mcluhan: teen vogue

“the medium is the message”

the idea that you cannot fully understand the message without understanding the medium of it e.g. the form. linking to teen vogue, teen vogue are an online publication and also have social media accounts on platforms such as twitter and Instagram. a recently ‘trending’ hashtag and topic on twitter and Instagram was #freebritney relating to Britney spears, teen vogue published a story on the 13th of February 2021 by Kara Nesvig titled “Jamie Lynn Spears Showed Support for Britney After “Framing Britney Spears” Documentary” that focuses on the story that has come out of the hashtag free Britney, this shows that the message has taken information from different mediums that it is made up of to communicate a story to its audience that is consumer based/what their audience is already talking about at the moment. to understand the message of the story you would have to understand the medium of twitter and the idea of a trending hashtag.


key words to associate:

  • active – active engagement with audience interest
  • share – can share on social media platforms such as twitter
  • story – publish a story on their online publication
  • conversation – joins the already ongoing conversation about the situation Britney spears is in