war of the worlds

Follows the story of an alien attack on New Jersey in 1938,

In terms of historical context, War of the Worlds was broadcasted a year before the beginning of World War 2, In the same year, Nazi Germany invaded both Austria and Czechoslovakia sparking fear of Invasion and war. The majority of the public recieved information on current affairs through radio. At

At the time War of the Worlds was broadcasted, the public didn’t know much about the idea of hybrid genres and was unfamiliar with it especially with radio.

Columbia Broadcasting Company (CBC) , An American broadcasting television and radio company, still around in the present day.

Shirky, The public audience is changing over time, passive to act on areas as technology changes more people can participate.

Hesmondhalgh, the idea of a risky business within media, “the cultural industries constitute a particularly risky business

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