War of the worlds + Life hacks


  • martians invading new Jersey
  • broadcast as radio was just coming about – broadcast on the eve of WW2 fears about invasions
  • radio play drama
  • CBC – commercial company – governed by the broadcasting act 1991 – owned and controlled by canadians, english and french
  • part of a conglomerate
  • fake news
  • chomsky 5 filters FRAMING people believed it manufacturing consent
  • stuart hall – theory of preferred reading
  • Dennis McQuail – BOOK – “mass media in the public interest” – habermas talks about the public sphere containing info allowing businesses to communicate with consumers “public and private world where opinions can be formed”
  • shirky – audience is changing – passive to active, as technology advances more people can participate
  • Lazerfeld – “two step flow communication”
  • hesmondhalgh – risky business
  • the cultural industries constitute a particularly risky business
  • audience tastes continuously adapt making it difficult to produce material that guarantees satisfaction” (radio new so people didn’t know what to make of it)
  • consumer regulation – creating diversity in the media industry by creating radio
  • citizen regulation – social needs – PSB


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