radio essay plan


  • media has evolved and is constantly changing for a changing society
  • media is open for interpretation


  • life hacks A podcast from BBC Radio 1, replaced The Surgery in 2017
  • hosts – Katie Thistleton and Vick Hope
  • title – associated with the youth demographic, suggesting that the show is targeting youth/millennials, ages being 15 – 29 but 41% of listeners are in this age range, median age is 32
  • presenters give the audience some insight into their personal life which helps listeners to feel more connected and supported by them
  • this forms a relationship as audiences feel relief in the fact that other young adults are going through similar things
  • emphasized by show on the 17th January 2021 titled “resolution regrets and motivation ” in which Katie stated for listeners to “get in touch with us 81199”


  • relates to uses and gratifications (Blumler and Katz) as the audience is active since they choose information based off of personal identity – being able to relate to the stories being told and seeing yourself in the different topics mentioned as well as personal relationships – feeling of support as a result of knowing that there is an area for advice and help e.g. knowing that people are going through similar experiences as well as entertainment & escapism which can related to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1954)


  • radio 1 is under the conglomerate BBC who made approximately  £1,044.0 million in 2017, the year Life Hacks began
  • this is an example of a consumer based media form as the hosts have some freedom in what they suggests to listeners
  • livingstone and lunt would say this is beneficial since there are many raw backs of a self regulated system such as the need for advertisers as they need to put adverts on content that match but BBC do not use advertisers


  • the 17th episode of the CBS radio series
  • it was broadcasted at 8pm on a Sunday on October 30th 1938 by Columbia Broadcasting System
  • was written by Orson Welles about an Alien invasion
  • radio was still a new media form at the time


  • it caused panic among its listening audience, though the scale of that panic is disputed, as the program had relatively few listeners
  • Orson didn’t know was what kind of mass effects this would have on the audience. Orson said he ‘wanted to understand that they shouldn’t swallow everything that came through the tap whether it was radio or not’ and although he had realised at disclaimer prior to the narrative stating that it would be fiction, majority of the audience were not aware of this
  • 80 years later it is being studied as an important text as it is one of the earliest examples of media platforms looking into fake news
  • the studio being invaded by the police, mobs on streets, scripts being destroyed, tension, anxiety and even reports of deaths,


  • was a small budget production without a sponsor

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