hesmondhalgh and case studies

genre formatting: the missing has a crime genre which is familiar so its easy to follow the narrative.

seriliasation: sequels to keep audience engaged- narrative- easy to follow audience already have an idea whats bound to happen

internationalisation: broadcasted by bbc which is a public broadcaster

remakes: retelling the same story through different ways

serialisation: the character from the missing is also starred in the series ‘Baptiste’ which also follows the same storyline has the same genre which is myserious and crime

friday’s essay

Life hacks

Audience is younger adults- ‘ expressing yourself and lockdown hair disasters’

Casual conversations opposed to scripts

Curran and seaton- diversification, bbc life hacks offer entertainment for everyone but not all at once

Accepts diversity through openness

 Targets a niche audience

Uses and gratifications theory- listeners relating to stories that are being said online/ online community

Livingstone and Lunt- follows a citizen based approach to media production

War Of The Worlds

Broadcasted by CBS

War of the worlds 1937, technology has developed since then

Hesmondhalgh’s idea of a risky business within media- The producers don’t know if the media they are producing is going to cater for everyones interests so not everyone will like it.

Clay Shirky: The audience doesn’t just consume media, but also produces it – creating the term ‘presumer’

Livingstone and Lunt: CBS who broadcasted War of the Worlds, work on a consumer- based approach

radio csp

focus on media industries and audience

war of the worlds

  • Written by H G Wells
  • Published in 1898
  • Radio broadcasted in 1938
  • Broadcasted in the United States on October 30th
  • Adapted as a film in 2005
  • Science-fiction genre
  • the novel influenced the work of scientists such as Robert H Goddard who invented the liquid fuelled rocket and multistage rocket which were inspired by the novel.
  • Was broadcasted by CBS radio (Columbia broadcasting company), this company still exists today

historical, political and cultural context

  • Broadcasted the year before world war 2
  • One of the earliest novels about a conflict between humankind and an extraterrestrial race
  • Radio was one of the largest forms of media used at the time
  • Nazi Germany escalated and began its persecution of the jews
  • Almost 80% of American households owned a radio
  • the Great Depression and the Wall Street crash both happened in the 1930’s
  • Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were all in power in the 1930’s
  • The 1930’s to the 1940’s was known as the ‘golden age’ of radio


CBS Radio – founded by  Michael A. Wiener in 1928, CBS radio is owned by the CBS corporation

CBS – founded September 18, 1927 in Chicago, founder is William s Paley

life hacks

Media Industries

• Life Hacks is a Radio 1 product and therefore has a public service status as part of the BBC.
• Identification of funding for Radio 1 through the license fee, concept of a hypothecated tax.
• Issues around the role of a public service broadcaster – how does Life Hacks reflect the need to represent the nationArguments over the need for addressing a youth audience
already catered for commercially
• Consider the programme as distinctive in its public service remit.
• The influence of new technology on media industries – Life Hacks as multi – platform media product.

Media Audiences

Life Hacks is reflective of the way the industry targets niche audiences and provides an opportunity to consider industry regulation and the availability of new technology shapes audience targeting and response.
• What techniques does the broadcast use to target a youth audience?
• Consider the way that external factors – such as demographics and psychographics – are likely to also affect audience response and produce differing interpretations
• Consider the opportunities for audience interaction and self-representation
• cultivation theory including Gerbner
• reception theory including Hall

  • listed on the bbc radio website under the genre of facts and health & wellbeing

essay planning

argument – media is becoming more participatory, argue whether its good or bad, compare difference from program in 1938 compared to program in 2021, different way they target audience, bring in audience theories, participatory media – Gauntlett/Jenkins/Shirky, different ways the industries that own the radio are controlled/how they do things – talk about curran and seaton & hesmondhalgh and the idea of media being a risky business. Clay Shirky -End of Audience – Radio as a declining medium in the age of active audience communication and interaction. Stuart hall – reception theory – war of the worlds – people thinking aliens are coming.

score representations

man surrounded by women- to show the power he holds/ royalty, hes placed above them they’re almost worshiping him. One women reaching out for him- he’s superior.

made at the time of the Vietnam war – representing soldiers, making men want to look like male in advert, trying to get men to join army.

holding a gun- creates a traditional view of men where they are expected to be strong, brave and protective. Men are the dominant ones in society, makes him appear powerful.

setting- jungle is a dangerous place that requires a tough male character.

This slogan suggests to the target male audience that using the Score hair cream will result in you becoming extremely attractive to women.

the setting itself is quite bright could represent the scorching sun/ hot weather condition.

male gaze laura maulvey

Jean kilbourne

Jean Kilbourne – Pioneering Activist, Speaker & Writer

Jean Kilbourne speaks publicly about how adverts can come across as sexualizing men and women in ‘different way’

Girls get the message from very early on, that whats most important is how they look, that their value, their worth depends on that. And boys get the message that this is what’s important about girls. We get it from advertising. We get it from films. We get it from television shows, video games, everywhere we look. So no matter what a woman does, no matter what her achievements, their value still depends on how they look.

Woman’s bodies continue to be dismembered in advertising. Over and over again just one part of the body is used to sell products, which is one of the most dehumanizing thing you can do to someone. Not only is she a thing, but just one part of that thing is focused on.

“But many people do not fully realize that there are terrible consequences when people becoming things. Self-image is deeply affected. The self-esteem of girls plummets as they reach adolescence partly because they cannot possibly escape the message that their bodies are objects, and imperfect objects at that. Boys learn that masculinity requires a kind of ruthlessness, even brutality. Violence becomes inevitable.”

the missing/ television

  • Its focused on two parents who go to France and lose sight of their son.
  • The series was originally titled The Breakdown
  • Filming began in February 2014 with help from the Belgian government’s tax shelter scheme
  • The story is paralleled by flashbacks to 2014 and is set near a British army garrison in Eckhausen, Germany
  • There are 16 episodes
  • There are two series
  • It was written by the brothers Harry and Williams

Symbolic montage in the title sequence
the use of melancholic music
The story will often be focused on
crime and police investigations
Muted colours Investigator is a ‘lone wolf hero’ who
has personal problems to contend with
and/or a dark past
Subdued and low-key lighting Investigator ‘hero’ may struggle with
personal relationships
Other characters are shown to be
complex and often flawed
Settings are often wintery Authority figures cannot always be
Rural landscapes are often presented
as ‘bleak’
Focus on the consequences of violent
Urban landscapes are often presented
as industrial
Dramatic tension and suspense

conventions of
the crime drama are recognisable but they are also challenged and sometimes subverted

Owning a variety of media company types enables the conglomerate to distribute product benefits across a range of media forms

crime is a genre to remain popular with a range of audience groups
who seek different experiences from it

The Witnesses

is a French police procedural television series, investigate when bodies of murder victims are unearthed and left for discovery in the show homes of a housing developer

Who is the primary, secondary and tertiary audience for these products?

Genre – Similar conventions, all have detectives and is a crime story – Stephen Neale

commercial media: such as newspapers, cable TV, film, events, magazines, books, sports shows, free to air TV. The missing: BBC One

public service broadcasting :co-production between the BBC and Starz. 

media concentration few companies make the same things

we lack media pluralism- a healthy balance of products made by different media company types.

vertical integration: bbc