
Radio has wider representation and more participatory rather than closed off. This is due to new tech and ideas. However, this leads to a lack of PSB and traditional media.

War of the Worlds

By Columbia Broadcasting Company – large top down approach.

1938 – part of Halloween special.

Reception theory by Hall

Life Hacks

‘Children’s Mental Health week’ – ‘express yourself’

BBC works with a charter (regulations) and ethos – educate, inform and entertain. Is it important as they talk about lockdown hair disasters – pay for BBC through tax. Not target audience as only young people. – Public Service Broadcasting

New tech such as streaming services could dominate the BBC.

Curran and Seaton diverse landscape – Life Hacks is very intimate and applies to certain audiences

Not top down – by the people – Clay Shirky and Jenkins rather than WotW which is made by large company to ‘inform’ rather than participate.

Diversity – Run by two women including a black lady part of life hacks and interactive while WotW by Orson Welles who is a white man.


Hypodermic vs Two Step Flow Model

Hesmonhalgh – BBC mitigates risk by PSB and WotW by vertical and horizontal as big company.

Curran and Seaton diverse radio landscape – Life Hacks more

Jenkins on participatory culture and Shirky on audience feedback

Representation leads to uses and gratifications as people see themselves.

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