life hacks csp 16

  • example of a transitional media product which reflects changes in the contemporary media landscape
  • it is the replacement for a previous, similar programme, The Surgery
  • a traditional radio programme with a regular, scheduled broadcast time
  • also available online after broadcast for streaming and downloading
  • provides opportunities for audience interaction
  • the challenges facing the institution as a public service broadcaster that needs to appeal to a youth audience within a competitive media landscape


  • a Radio 1 product – has public service status as part of the BBC.
  • Identification of funding for Radio 1 through the license fee, concept of a hypothecated tax.
  • Life Hacks as multi – platform media product – new technologies


  • niche audiences and provides an opportunity to consider industry regulation and the availability of new technology shapes audience targeting and response
  • how are demographics and psychographics likely to affect audience response and produce differing interpretations
  • Consider the opportunities for audience interaction and self-representation
  • cultivation theory including Gerbner
  • reception theory including Hall


  • Life Hacks reflects an acceptance of diversity and a degree of openness in contemporary culture around personal, social and identity issues.

csp 16: life hacks

overview ig:

  • A podcast type programme from BBC Radio 1
  • It replaced The Surgery in 2017 and took the Sunday Teatime slot
  • It is hosted by Katie Thistleton and Vick Hope but was previously hosted by Cel Spellman, Katie Thistleton and Radha Modgil
  • Although both The Surgery and Life Hacks ran in scheduled broadcast slots, in recent years the programme has been available as a podcast
  • This encourages digital consumption and interaction
  • Target audience: 15 – 29, however only 41% are in the target audience age range and their median age is 32
  • Title – associated with the youth demographic, suggesting that the show is targeting youth/millennials
  • 90% of the population tune in to the radio every week
  • 61% tune of the population tune in to digital radio every week.

how it appeals to younger audiences:

  • The content discussed is mainly focused on topics that concern the younger generation, for example, issues surrounding mental health, anxiety, stress & relationships etc
  • The presenters give the audience some insight into their personal life which helps the listeners to feel more connected and supported by them
  • This forms a relationship as audiences feel relief in the fact that other young adults are going through similar things
  • The music is usually upbeat and pop which matches the pace of the show and appeals to the mainstream audience

in terms of uses and gratifications (Blumler and Katz):

  • Audience pleasures:
  • Personal identity – being able to relate to the stories being told and seeing yourself in the different topics mentioned
  • Personal relationships – feeling of support as a result of knowing that there is an area for advice and help e.g. knowing that people are going through similar experiences
  • Education – learning about different ways of handling problems ect
  • Diversion – listening to different podcasts meaning you are able to escape from what you are going through by seeking help and allowing yourself to listen to other people’s stories

branding/advert??? idek:

  • Colour scheme – bright and uses quite cartoonish colours which would appeal more to a younger audience 
  • Emojis – the emojis suggest that this ad is aimed at more of a youth audience; stereo typically the younger generation is more accustomed to social media and would be more likely to be attracted to social media linked content
  • “How does social media make you feel?” – this question directly links to social media thus creating a discussion about its influences

War of the worlds csp 9

  • 1938

andrew cresell wrote book “understanding radio”

says that radio is a blind medium = you cant see it ( you have images and p;pictures in your head)

aliens represent something

fake news is nothing new

“hard times are a breeding ground for misinformation”

Budget: 132 million USD

Narrator: morgan freeman

Box office: 603.9 million USD

  • example of hybrid radio film
  • CBS broadcast
  • was a Halloween special – broadcast in Halloween – was it a foax? was it deliberate
  • suspending disbelief – people were distressed – are aliens real?
  • interesting as its a layer over fake new over fake news
  • they want you to believe it was real
  • Stanley Cohen wrote a book “folk devils and moral panic” – every time something bad happens, blame the media. The media causes bad things
  • it was performed and broadcasted live as a halloween episode at 8pm on over on Columbia broadcasting system radio network
  • Sunday, October 30th 1938
  • The episode became famous for allegedly causing panic among its listening audience, though the scale of that panic is disputed, as the program had relatively few listeners
  • 1 hour programme
  • released a year before WW2 – audience already distressed due to Austria war

The novel was adapted for radio by Howard Koch, who changed the primary setting from 19th-century England to the contemporary United States


  • radio is a blind medium
  • uses speech as the primary mode of communication 
  • essentially and primarily auditory, consisting of speechmusicsounds and silence
  • identifying and de-coding a number of signs and symbols
  • connect the signifier (the thing you hear) and the signified (what it means): Ferdinand de Saussure
  • trying to understand signs as they operate as denotationsconnotations and mythsRoland Barthes.

C. S. Pierceiconindex and symbol

  •  an ICONIC SOUND will actually sound like its’ object – person
  • An INDEXICAL SOUND, will create an association to it’s object – sound of movement (this changes through microphone placements, sound processing and reverb
  • SYMBOLIC SOUND is one that is more arbitrary, random and vague – sound effects (echo)

  • Radio, like moving image, is LINEAR and SEQUENTIAL, in that it moves in a chronological order, from (a) beginning to (an) end. In this respect, it is important to refer to NARRATIVE THEORY when trying to understand and de-code radio meaning