livingstone & lunt

The different between consume based media regulation & citizen based media regulation:

consumer based – audiences can chose the content they want to watch & gives producers freedom that audiences chose to watch (giving people what they want)

citizen based – media shapes society which educates and inform & defines the type of content that the media broadcasts (thinking about what would be better for society & culture)

The impact of the 2003 communication act on media regulation:

it diluted the public service requirements of broadcasting

brought in Ofcom, companies made content which was more commercial & consumer based, this resulted in content that was lacking civic-minded production

Ofcom gave little accountability for citizens, livingston & lunt say this is negative

the drawback of a self regulated system:

self regulation – media producers are left independently to decide their content.

This is a drawback as regulation is too ‘light touch’, consumers are happy but citizens may not be.

There is also a need for advertisers as they need to put adverts on content that match

how you regulate media content & organisation on a global scale:

we need laws


from your chosen CSP’s
CHARACTERSPROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’ (Witnesses), ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’ (Missing)
repertoire of elements

Both shows have themes of crime and drama, so the audience expects there to be a detective and high emotional states
the use of key themes to structure stories and characters around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice. Often set up as binary oppostions: right/wrong urban/rural, young/old, good/bad
REPRESENTATIONThe killing has a female detective protagonist challenging the ideologies gender stereotypesPIERCE / BARTHES / SAUSSURE: SEMIOTICS
radical and reactionary representations of police, family, law and order, through a range of signs (visual, graphic, audio, narrative, thematic etc)
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)

Similarities & differences – csp’s


Similarities – both police dramas that follow theme of crime

Both include detective characters that are investigating murder, both have female protagonists

Differences – No Offence is a British program shown on Channel 4, The Killing is a Danish program shown on Netflix and DR (a Danish broadcasting corporation)

from your chosen CSP’s
CHARACTERSIn ‘The Killing’ and ‘No Offence’ the characters are similar because they are centered around police characters. In ‘The Killing’ the characters are danish and in ‘No Offence’ they’re EnglishPROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’ (Killing), ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’ (No Offence)
the use of key themes to structure stories and characters around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice. Often set up as binary oppostions: right/wrong urban/rural, young/old, good/bad
radical and reactionary representations of police, family, law and order, through a range of signs (visual, graphic, audio, narrative, thematic etc)
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)
CHARACTERS-Both female detectives.
-Both have a similar instinct for the case.
-Both relatively young
-The Killing is a Danish lady.
-No Offence is an English lady.
-No Offence the detective is a single Mother
PROPP – both CSP’s present a stock character of a hero and a villian

Media Regulations

Whats the difference between a consumer based media regulation system and citizen based regulation system?

A consumer based media regulation system describes the people who consume the content giving off a reaction which can be broken down by reception theory and allow the production company to take that data and produce films that meet the expressed interest of the viewer, which is used for the producer to make the maximum profit.

A citizen based market allows the people to decide what they watch which would lead to specific topics/ sports/ tv shows being present with the availability for people like politicians to hide the truth and create a false reality. It would prevent important news from being broadcasted.

What impact did the 2003 Communications act have on media regulation?

It resulted in the reduction of the public service requirements needed for television broadcasting. The act was passed by the labour government and and created the regulator Ofcom. As a result, Independent television productions where free to produce content that was more commercially viable – however this seemed to have a negative impact as it regulations lost accountability.

Whats the draw back of a self regulated system?

In the production of programming that lacks the civic-minded republicanism that had been fostered within previous regulatory frameworks. Livingstone and Lunt argue that Ofcom ‘established institutional structures and roles relating to consumer policy. Strikingly, little equivalent activity or accountability was forthcoming regarding actions to further citizen interests’.

How do you regulate media content and organisations on a global scale?

Due to the absence of government guidance organisations are left to create their own moral and ethical codes. Some companies are stricter than others allowing some papers like the guardian to be more sexually explicit. Some reasons for this are the Code of conduct, audience-based factors, advertiser needs and institution-oriented factors.

Livingstone and lunt

What is the difference between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

A consumer based media regulation system is gives audiences what they want whereas citizen based regulation system gives people what they need. However, its not so simple as people don’t like being told what need but if they always did what they want it wouldn’t benefit them. For example if TV always had what people wanted it would mainly show sports of movies and never show the news or important broadcasts.

What impact did the 2003 Communications act have on media regulation?

The labour government in 2003 brought in OFCOM to regulate the media in TV by trying to “ensure that the media landscape is not dominated by a single organisation”. However, Livingstone and Lunt said there is “little accountability regarding actions to further citizen interests”

What is the drawback of a self-regulated system?

There is freedom for anything to posted on the media and if the newspapers and advertisers are self regulated they are able to turn down or deny any complaints.

 How do you regulate media content and organisations on a global scale?

This can be done by the the media website which the media is posted on for example if disturbing images are posted on twitter they should be the ones to regulate that.

Linvingstone and Lunt

What is the difference between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

The consumer based media focuses on what consumers and audiences want. Citizen based regulation system is where companies create things that citizens want. Creators are given control to create media that they know audiences will want.

Q. What impact did the 2003 Communications Act have on media regulation?

Tries to ensure that the media landscape is not dominated by a single organisation.

Ofcom is an agency that among other things, tried to get BBC and Channel 4 to produce programmes made my small companies to make the media fairer.

Even though some companies seem small, they are often actually owned by larger companies (conglomerates) therefore they aren’t actually as small as they seem. The 2003 Communications Act aims to stop this to make the media fairer.

Neo Liberalism – let people do what they want. Allows for freedom of choice but is not always ethical and can be seen as offensive and disrespectful.

If no one paid for their TV license then channels like the BBC would not exist as no one would be paying for it.

Q. What is the drawback of a self-regulated system?

You can’t hold yourself accountable so therefore it isn’t fair. The press will do what they want to do to ensure they make money. The Leveson Inquiry is the regulation of media companies so that they can’t publish whatever they want.

Neo Liberalism – let people do what they want. Allows for freedom of choice but is not always ethical and can be seen as offensive and disrespectful.

Q. How do you regulate media content and organisations on a global scale?

To make sure everyone regulates their media in the same way they should all make a global well known rule.

Not only regulate media content but also media technologies – ideas around how technology (twitter) influence media

Livingstone and peter lunt

What is the difference between between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

consumer based media: when companies focus on creating media in a way of focusing on consumers needs and desires.

citizen based media: when companies are aware of people how have no money – based around all of societies wants – based around the government – produce content that contributes to the social and cultural health.

what impact did the 2003 communications act have on media regulations?

  • designed by the labour government
  • introduced Ofcom
  • good as it helps the UK television industry become competitive in the globalized media landscape of the late twentieth century.
  • tries to ensure tat the media landscape is not dominated by a single organisation. ( according to livingstone and lunt)
  • they argued that Ofcom established institutional structures and roles relating to consumer policy, striking, little equivalent activity or accountability was for-coming regarding actions to further citizen interest.”
  • Ofcom
  • advertising standards authority – overseas complaints made by members of the public regarding adverts
  • independent press organisation – the semi official press regulator for the UK overseas reader.
  • we all have to contribute to TV companies like BBC – if o one paid for TV licence then channels like BBC would not exist as no one would be paying for it.

what is the drawbacks of a self-regulated system

  • you can hold yourself accountable so therefore it isn’t fair – The press will do what they want to do to ensure they make money.
  • the leverson ” millie dowler” inquiry relates to the regulation of media companies – rules are put in place
  • we live in a society of Neo Liberalism = let people say what they want – allows for freedom of choice but is not always ethical and can b seen as offensive and disrespectful.
  • The killing – is about murder – you have to make something that sells – livingstone and lunt `believes that society has gone to far – freedom has taken over to far.

How do you regulate media content and organisation on global scale?

  • make a global well known rules and regulations
  • not only regulate media content , but regulate media technologies – ideas around how technology (twitter) influence media (Donald trumps twitter was taken down, in order to regulate media.)