
media audiences

  1. Look at the advertising campaigns (trailers, websites at home and abroad) for your chosen CSP TV series and think about how media producers target, attract and potentially construct audiences across local, national and global scales.

hypodermic needle theory –  is a model of communication suggesting that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver. 

The Killing – advertise to attract people who enjoy crime/thriller/horror genres.

The Killing - Season 1-3 | Series Trailer | Netflix - YouTube
netflix advertisement before it was taken off the production company

produces dark, eerie and sinister looking advertisements

The advertising campaigns (trailers, websites at home and abroad) for the series demonstrate how media producers target, attract and potentially construct audiences – we can link this to Cultivation theory (Gerbner)

uses of gratification – they have produce content in order to fulfill the desires of potential audiences – people who enjoy crime and murder genres. (even though this is something we shouldn’t make as entertainment, as stated by Livingstone and Lunt, as think the needs of a citizen are in conflict with the needs of the consumer, because protection can limit freedom. They noticed that regulating media to protect citizens from harmful content can limit freedom of expression. So we can argue that showing crime and murder ( harmful content) can increase freedom of expression

No Offence – advertised to attract the similar audience to the killing

produces dark and eerie adverts to showcase the criminal drama that is involved.

made adverts for English TV (channel 4 and french TV (France 2)

No Offence: trailer - YouTube
  1. This means that different audiences interpretations reflect socialcultural and historical circumstances – which provide an insight into audience similarities and differences across local, national and global audiences.

No offence

– provides a wide range of representational areas to explore: gender, location, city, race etc (represents Manchester and its implications of crime

-deals with a range of social, cultural and political issues arising from comtemporay contexts. – the Manchester police force is used as a microcosm of society – focus of case featuring children with downs syndrome explores the position of people with disabilities in wider society.

-tv series that shows codes and conventions of the police procedural crime drama – combined with aspects of social realism

-allows students to be educated as it enables us to understand and reflect on the dynamic nature of genre.

  1. The productiondistribution and exhibition of many television shows how audiences can be reached, both on a national and global scale, through different media technologies and platforms, moving from the national to transnational through broadcast and digital technologies.

-No offence was made for both english tv and french tv

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