Media Audiences

  • Audience is an important element to consider when creating/distributing media products. This is because the media need to know who their target audience is and what they need to do in order to reach this target audience
  • The Missing and Witnesses have a target audience of people who are into crime dramas so the producers will try do distribute their products where this audience will see the products
  • By following the genre conventions of a crime genre (often includes a murder of an innocent victim in an isolated setting) people like to watch these sorts of shows so there will generally be a large following for The Missing and Witnesses as people enjoy watching crime dramas.
  • Uses and gratifications theory can be considered here as people’s needs need to be met in order for people to enjoy a show or movie. An audience may watch The Missing or Witnesses as it doesn’t reflect real life and are fictional TV shows; this will create a sense of escapism for the audience as they can relax and watch something that doesn’t resemble real life. They can suspend their disbelief and just enjoy watching something for a while
  • Trailers are used to draw in an audience and to get people excited about a show or movie that will come out soon, this will create a sense of mystery for an audience and will make people want to watch the movie or show more as they have seen the trailer and will want to know what will happen
People often need their needs to be met in order to feel satisfied, media companies often target these different elements so that they will appeal more to the public and satisfy customer/consumer needs. Different shows will target a different need, some target enjoyment and escapism whilst others will target self confidence, stability and self esteem. Each show has a purpose whether it’s to be educational or something for an audience to enjoy.

Cultivation Theory

  • George Gurbner created this theory named cultivation theory which suggests that people who are regularly exposed to something over and over again, the longer someone sees this the more likely they will be to agree with what they’re seeing or being told
  • For example, the more people watch crime dramas then the more likely they will be to like this genre so will continue to watch shows within this genre.
  • If you are watching a series and you aren’t sure if you like it or not, if you continue to watch it then you will be more likely to start enjoying a show
  • Say someone didn’t enjoy the first episode of The Missing because they don’t really want to watch a TV show that’s based in a foreign country and based off a missing child, they could continue watching the show to see if they would start to like it more

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