tv & audience theory

both the missing and witnesses target similar audiences with similar strategies for example when looking at Young and Rubicam’s psychographic descriptors both TV episodes are targeting the struggler personality that is motivated by escapism needs as they both provide the audience with an escape from their own life.

the missing

in terms of the theory of preferred reading the missing is much more successful in targeting a wider global audience due to the mix of languages used and foreign settings however in an oppositional reading this can be found as off-putting for English audiences as having to read subtitles gives the audience extra work to do when they are attempting to relax ad gain a sense of escapism.


in terms of the theory of preferred reading for witnesses the dominant reading is that it can reach a global audience due to the use of subtitles and translated titles however similarly to the missing the language barrier and use of subtitles can be offputting to the audience.

Audience theory- tv

Two step flow model- Walter presents- opinion leader

Uses and Gratifications- social interaction, entertainment, escapism- developed for audience satisfaction

hall- encoding decode,theory of preferred reading Deutschland- white audience

Cultivation Theory- Gerbner- television shapes the way individuals within society think and relate to each other- ‘watching television over time adds up to our perception of the world around us‘ 

capital- post colonial, hall

audience theory

 Hypodermic model (passive consumption)-

  • The media is spoon feeding the people what the media wants wants them to know through propaganda and messages.

Two Step Flow of Communication

“the way in which mediated messages are not directly injected into the audience, but while also subject to noise, error, feedback etc, they are also filtered through opinion leaders, those who interpret media messages first and then relay them back to a bigger audience.”

Cultivation Theory 

  • the relationship between violence on television and violence in society
  •  “watching television doesn’t cause a particular behavior, but instead watching television over time adds up to our perception of the world around us” 

Media Audiences

  • Audience is an important element to consider when creating/distributing media products. This is because the media need to know who their target audience is and what they need to do in order to reach this target audience
  • The Missing and Witnesses have a target audience of people who are into crime dramas so the producers will try do distribute their products where this audience will see the products
  • By following the genre conventions of a crime genre (often includes a murder of an innocent victim in an isolated setting) people like to watch these sorts of shows so there will generally be a large following for The Missing and Witnesses as people enjoy watching crime dramas.
  • Uses and gratifications theory can be considered here as people’s needs need to be met in order for people to enjoy a show or movie. An audience may watch The Missing or Witnesses as it doesn’t reflect real life and are fictional TV shows; this will create a sense of escapism for the audience as they can relax and watch something that doesn’t resemble real life. They can suspend their disbelief and just enjoy watching something for a while
  • Trailers are used to draw in an audience and to get people excited about a show or movie that will come out soon, this will create a sense of mystery for an audience and will make people want to watch the movie or show more as they have seen the trailer and will want to know what will happen
People often need their needs to be met in order to feel satisfied, media companies often target these different elements so that they will appeal more to the public and satisfy customer/consumer needs. Different shows will target a different need, some target enjoyment and escapism whilst others will target self confidence, stability and self esteem. Each show has a purpose whether it’s to be educational or something for an audience to enjoy.

Cultivation Theory

  • George Gurbner created this theory named cultivation theory which suggests that people who are regularly exposed to something over and over again, the longer someone sees this the more likely they will be to agree with what they’re seeing or being told
  • For example, the more people watch crime dramas then the more likely they will be to like this genre so will continue to watch shows within this genre.
  • If you are watching a series and you aren’t sure if you like it or not, if you continue to watch it then you will be more likely to start enjoying a show
  • Say someone didn’t enjoy the first episode of The Missing because they don’t really want to watch a TV show that’s based in a foreign country and based off a missing child, they could continue watching the show to see if they would start to like it more

television- witnesses+The Missing


Guest Diversity- it presents a range of different backgrounds and cultures to promote the wide range of feminist viewpoints. This links to witnesses because of the female detective, who is trying to solve the case and find out who is committing the crimes. It has diversity as there are many languages but it is mainly in french.

Commercial Media

it is an organisation that makes or distributes products for economic gain. Commercial media usually makes products for entertainment purpose

Public Service Broadcasting

a media producer who is not reliant on advertising to fund production made by different or does not make products for commercial gain. Public service broadcasting products usually seek to inform and educate their audiences as well as entertain

Horizontal Integration

ownership of subsidiaries that produce similar types of products

e.g The Missing because it is filmed in places such as Germany, Belgium, France etc

Vertical Intergration

ownership of subsidiaries that enable a media producer to produce, promote and distribute products.

e.g Witnesses because it goes through Acorn Production to Amazon Prime, so viewers are able to view who have this subscription.


Star Formatting

Star Formatting is when an organisation who is producing a product, includes well known stars in that industry to gain attention from viewers. This is seen in The Missing because the main detective is named “Baptiste” who is a french well known actor.


Internationalization is the process by which the ownership, structure, production, distribution, or content of a country’s media is influenced by foreign media interests, culture and markets.”This is seen in The Missing because there are many languages and cultural involved such as Morocco, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany and a bit in London. This is also seen in Witnesses because it is a french series which then viewed in the US and later in the UK

Genre Formatting

Genre formatting is promoting products using the genre which helps audiences to understand the narrative satisfactions that a product can offer prior to consumption. This is seen by the advertisement in The Missing where a lot of advertisement was done prior to the release of the program such as in articles and blog posts of the story line and genre of the show

questions- livingstone and lust

What is the difference between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

The difference is that a consumer based media regulation system is giving people what they want and a citizen based regulation system is thinking about what would be better for culture and society. Example the BBC- license fee. Consumers might not what to pay if they are not interested in what is playing.

What impact did the 2003 Communications Act have on media regulation?

It promoted independent television production by requiring the BBC and Channel 4 to commission more content from smaller production companies. It was to help UK television industry which they did not achieve. It introduced Off com and they made more commercial programs such as detective and crime programs. The 2003 communications act did not have a positive effect on the media regulation

What is the drawback of a Self-Regulated System?

The drawbacks are it is not a successful factor, it lacks sufficient strict and dissuasive measures. Accordingly, the many problems and challenges in the practice of media self-regulation, in general, and press councils. It is often have to face severe criticism is obviously not new.

audience theory

Lazarsfield- 2 Step Flow

It was developed by Lazarsfield together with Eihu Katz in the book Personal Influence (1955). It is a model hypothesis that ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders (certain individuals) and from them to the wider population. It recognizes that most people watch media as part of a social network. The disadvantage is communications may involve many steps, not just two. Communication moves both ways, not just one.  Their opinion is not influenced by other factors, the message they receive from the mass media is not filtered by the OL. There is only one source. The audience is passive.

When looking at Paul Lazarfeld for my TV programmes it is possible to see Amazon Prime and other on-line entertainment delivery services as mass targeted, transnational algorithms that work as opinion leaders for individual consumers, beyond linguistic, geographic and cultural boundaries to suggest new programmes for consumption, usually based on a ‘match-rating’ from previous purchases.


Deutschland 83 and Capital


Kudos TV Productions —> Roger Yount —> audience

Deutschland 83:

BBC —>Martin Rauch —-> audience

– As Martin Moore suggests, ‘people’s political views are not, as contemporaries thought, much changed by what they read or heard in the media. Voters were far more influenced by their friends, their families and their colleagues’ (2019:124).

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses/Gratifications of Deutschland 83 and Capital

– Knowledge about the World

– Enjoyment through watching a TV programme

– Escapism from the daily grind of work and life

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Audience Theories

– A socio-economic classification developed by the NRS (National
Readership Survey)
– Approximated Social Grade of six categories A, B, C1, C2, D and E.
– It applies to every Household Reference Persons (HRP) aged 16 to 64.
– A discriminatory tool for media consumption and purchasing power in general.
– Based on employment status, qualifications, residence and working full time, part time or not working.

Young and Rubicam’s Physiographic Descriptors:

The Explorer – motivated by the need for discovery.
The Resigned – motivated by survival needs.
The Aspirer – motivated by esteem/status needs.
The Mainstreamer – motivated by belonging needs.
The Reformer – motivated by enlightenment needs.
The Succeeder – motivated by the need for control.
The Struggler – motivated by escapism need

– It can be argued that Deutschland 83 and Capital are aimed at people who are Explorers and Strugglers because the audience will resort to achieving the needs of escapism by watching the programmes.

– It can also be seen that for English Audiences, Deutschland 83 satisfies the needs of the Explorer , as the get to learn more about a foreign country through watching a TV programme set in that country. Similarly, the Explorer can be applied to international audiences who watch Capital, as they may watch it to explore more about England.

Blumler and Katz

– Blumler and Katz identified 4 needs of why people might consume media:

– 1. Surveillance = give information at what is going on around the world.

– 2. = Personal relationships = allows us to become sociable with each other and openly discuss conversations and possibly create debates

– 3. = Diversion – media acts as a source of escapism and relief from the pressures of everyday life.

– 4. = Personal identity = audiences can compare their own life and the situations of characters in the programme, which will help the audience to explore their individual problems.

– For example, Deutschland 83 is set during the War in Germany, so it can visually show the audience what life was like during the war.

– Both programmes can be used a source of enjoyment and escapism from the daily grind of life and pressures you face in life.

– The story lines of these programmes are very dramatic in order to gain audience attraction and people will be open to talk about the programmes, the plot and their personal opinions on events in the programme and different characters.

The Cultivation Theory

– A theory established by George Gurbner

– Quote = ‘television’s major cultural function is to stabilize social patterns and to cultivate resistance to change‘ (1978: 115)

– They suggest that ‘television cultivates from infancy the very predispositions and preferences that used to be acquired from other primary sources‘ (Gerbner et al 1986).

– The cultivation theory explores how people act through what media they consume. For example, if a person likes to watch TV shows that include violence, the person may start to become more violent in real life because they are acting like the characters they see on TV.

tv studies, narrative & genre

from your chosen CSP’s
CHARACTERSIn the Missing & Witnesses the main detectives have a ‘natural’ instinct and ethics for law and order / good and badIn the Missing & Witnesses the main detective is not the typical ‘male hero’ Missing French, old, retired, limping. In Witnesses young, bold, female, French, immigrant, single motherPROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’ (Witnesses), ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’ (Missing)
NARRATIVEMissing = son goes missing
Witnesses = murder of a child
the use of key themes to structure stories and characters around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice. Often set up as binary oppostions: right/wrong urban/rural, young/old, good/bad
radical and reactionary representations of police, family, law and order, through a range of signs (visual, graphic, audio, narrative, thematic etc)
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)