Hesmondhalgh linking with tv case study n.o &T.k

changing audience consumption patterns

Hesmondhalgh argues that its tricky to guarantee audience satisfaction as audiences taste in the media is constantly evolving

this can apply with no offence from the themes of the show trying to add more different representation to keep appealing to audiences who love crime shows. by having the different representation such as a more predominantly female cast along side with inclusive representation of people who suffer with down syndrome. this can expand to further audiences or catch more attention of previous crime show fans who might watch the show for personal representation or audiences who like more female representation in leading roles.

multisector intergration

Hesmondhalgh explains how media corporations can create cross brand profits in other production other than the original product

such as the killing and the made dv box set for it creates more profit. and the further cross promotion of the show on Netflix and channel 4 which links with multi sector integration.

Livingstone and Lunt

Q: What is the difference between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

citizen- based regulation= encourage media corporations to produce content that contributes to the social and cultural health of the societies in which they operate 

consumer based regulation= choices regarding content are largely devolved to audiences and where media makers are given as much freedom as possible to make the media that audiences want to consume

Q. What impact did the 2003 Communications Act have on media regulation?

tries to ensure that a single media organisation does not dominate the media landscape. but Livingstone and Lunt say “the act is too free and that there are very little accountability of citizens interests”. they’ve said the act was too light of an enforcement.

Q. What is the drawback of a self-regulated system?

companies can’t regulate themselves since what the public might complain is inappropriate the company might view as fine and there’s no laws or rules to hold them accountable. a good example of this is the Amanda Jane dowler incident.

Q. How do you regulate media content and organisations on a global scale?

to regulate on a global scale is tricky since its hard to choose who regulates who


  • the act can link to our case studies from what pattern of narrative all the case studies have. and how the reason for them all being so similar is on the public base interests gravitate toward the cliches or stereotypes. its a recipe that work so its away of garennting viewer ship and or profit back.
from your chosen CSP’s
CHARACTERSIn the Missing & Witnesses the main detectives have a ‘natural’ instinct and ethics for law and order / good and badIn the Missing & Witnesses the main detective is not the typical ‘male hero’ Missing French, old, retired, limping. In Witnesses young, bold, female, French, immigrant, single motherPROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’ (Witnesses), ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’ (Missing)
NARRATIVEin no offence and the killing the similar in narrative would be both of the victims were young women since the usual trop is that women are the ones to be rescureddifferences in narrative would be the difference in scenes as no offence is in the city and the killing is placed in a rural areaCHATMAN / FREYTAG /TODOROV
THEMESsimilarities in themes would be how both of the programs have women leading rolesLEVI-STRAUSS
the use of key themes to structure stories and characters around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice. Often set up as binary oppostions: right/wrong urban/rural, young/old, good/bad
radical and reactionary representations of police, family, law and order, through a range of signs (visual, graphic, audio, narrative, thematic etc)
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)

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