The missing & the killing

CHARACTERSthe detective who has a ‘natural’ instinct for law and order

Both the Victims are young helpless females- this is reactionary
The Killing, The missing has the main detective as femalePROPP
NARRATIVEthe first episode often introduces a lot of different charactersThere can’t be a resolution in the missing for the victim because they’re dead.TODOROV
THEMESthe use of binary oppostions around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice.The missing has a lot of deceit whereas the killing is a lot of action and brutality. LEVI-STRAUSS
REPRESENTATIONreactionary representations of police, family, law and order, urban/ruralRadical representation of the father figure he should be with his family being supportive but he’s just cheating.SEMIOTICS
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)opening montage sequence that often gives clues as to the whole series – themes, locations, characters, events etc.The killing music is more upbeat.

What is it about?- Tony and Emily Hughes go to France on a holiday with their five-year-old son Oliver. However, when their car breaks down one night in a small town, Tony suddenly loses sight of his son.

Tertiary audience: is when a person is only listening to the station because they are familiar with the guest that is on. This could also be a friend, sister, a particular celebrity and others. Primary audiences are those who receive the communication directly and are also known as the target audience. The person is also usually the decision maker. Secondary audiences are those readers who are not the primary addressee, but are still included as viewer

The Missing is an international co-production between the BBC and Starz. The first eight-part series, about the search for a missing boy in France. It’s fiction.

TheoristWhat does it mean (in your own words)How does it apply to the advert (in your own words)
EquilibriumThe state of being at equilibrium is being constant and fine with nothing bothering you e.g all stories will have a exposition, complication and resolution. Equilibrium would be at the beginning then the complication happens and ruins it but the resolution brings it back to equilibrium.The advert starts off at equilibrium when they’re happy and feel comfortable with what they’re wearing and how they look then the mascara is the complication because they want to be ‘bossed up’ and once they’ve used it they’re happy and comfortable again therefore at equilibrium.
Binary OppositionBinary opposition is a pair of related concepts that are completely opposite e.g white&black, North&South or the could be a neutral balance e.g a product only for women and not for men has been made available to both genders.This advert has made a product genuinely associated as a product only for women and made it neutral for men and woman by having both genders in the same advert. They have also used a black woman and a white man to make it neutral. The opposites are they’re in New York to show how extravagant they are as opposed to St. Helier a small Jersey parish that isn’t very glam.
Character TypesThere are certain types of characters which are always within stories e.g they may have different personalities but they play a role like a hero, villain, victim, princess, dispatcher.The heroes were MannyMUA and MakeupbyShayla as they’re the main characters and they use the product and are magical and special. The suitcase man is the dispatcher as he gives them the product and the other makeup brands are the villains as they’re trying to defeat and beat them.

Technical Code
Denotation (ie what is it – simply describe what you see / hear)
Connotation (ie what does it signify)
New York apartment
Wealth and luxury and fame
Plain and normal everyday clothing at first but once they’re bossed up their clothes are gold and glam.
That one you wear the mascara you look rich and super glam
Suitcase man had a smirk and shrugged his shoulders
He knows how amazing the mascara is and he knew it wouldn’t disappoint
The words ‘bossed up’
That the mascara will make you look a ‘boss’ which is usually associated with the best therefore you’ll look great
Sound Effect
Twinkle sound effect
Implying that this mascara is magical and will transform your looks
Upbeat hip hop style music
This mascara will make you look cool and the music catches your attention
Camera shot size
Wide shots of room
Showing how expensive and good your life will be once you buy the mascara and showing product in the background
Camera movement
Zooms into eyes and mascara
Showing the audience how great this mascara is and how nice your lashes will look and how great and expensive and golden it looks

The Missing:

The Missing is a complex mainstream television product in which the codes and conventions of
the crime drama are recognisable but they are also challenged and sometimes subverted.

Mise-en-scene analysis
• Semiotics: how images signify cultural meanings

narrative techniques are used to engage the audience

How does the use of the narrative conventions of the crime drama – use of enigmas,
binary oppositions, restricted narration etc. – position the audience?

e narrative structure of The Missing offers gratification to the
• Narratology including Todorov

Conventions of the TV series and the way in which this form is used to appeal to
audiences; how it is distinct from, but related to series and serials.

belonging to the drama and crime genres

The relationship between Genre and Myth
• Genre theory including Neale

Negative and positive use of stereotypes

e representation of gender in
The Missing – Judith Butler

Feminist debates – Violence and the representation of gender. This could include the
controversy around using violent crime against women as popular entertainment
• Representations of family and their ideological significance

The Missing is the BBC’s response to the success of ITV’s Broadchurch which reintroduced the
English language extended serial format to UK drama schedules following the success of foreign
language series such as The Killing and the The Bridge. It is an example of co-operation between
the BBC, STARZ (USA) and the Belgian government’s Tax Shelter scheme.

production, distribution and circulation of The Missing shows how audiences can
be reached, both on a national and global scale, through different media technologies
and platforms,

a producers target, attract and potentially construct audiences.
• Cultivation theory including Gerbner
• Reception theory including Hall


Mise-en-scene analysis
• Semiotics: how images signify cultural meanings
• Postmodernism: Use of pastiche and bricolage

narrative conventions of the crime drama – use of enigmas,
binary oppositions, restricted and omniscient narration etc -– position the audience?

narrative of Witnesses can be defined as postmodern in its self-reflexive style –
particularly in its narrative about the family.
• Narratology including Todorov

series as belonging to the drama and crime genres
• Conventions of the TV series and the way in which this form is used to appeal to
audiences; how it is distinct from, but related to series and serials.

Representation of national and regional identity (Northern France)

Representation of gender: The woman as detective, the male boss, gender stereotypes
• Feminist debates – Violence and the representation of gender. This could include the
controversy around using violent crime against women as popular entertainment
• Analysis of how the representations convey values, attitudes and beliefs about the world
• Theories of representation including Hall
• Feminist theories including bell hooks and Van Zoonen

Witnesses is part of a recent trend – which really started with BBC4’s showing of The Killing – for
foreign language series to perform well critically and commercially with particular UK audiences.
Witnesses, as an example of French Public Service Broadcasting provides the opportunity to
study PSB in a different national context. Originally broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK, Witnesses
was also part of the new online channel ‘Walter Presents’ providing an example of the influence of
new technology and convergence on media industries.

The way in which different audience interpretations reflect social, cultural and historical
circumstances is evident in the analysis of the series which are explicitly linked to
contemporary issues

demonstrate how media producers target, attract and potentially construct audiences.
• Cultivation theory including Gerbner
• Reception theory including Hall

Witnesses is part of cultural phenomenon of the early twenty-first century which for the first time
saw TV series not in the English language become part of mainstream UK broadcasting. That
these series were dominated by the crime genre was part of a wider cultural phenomenon which
saw the crime genre become the key form for exploring social and cultural contexts. The series
used the genre to explore – amongst other themes – society’s fear of and desire for violence,
social isolation and changing gender roles. The debate around the representation of violence
against women has become particularly controversial and is part of the political context of the
series. The economic context can be explored through patterns of ownership and production and
how the product is marketed nationally and globally

Commercial media – starz for the missing

Public service broadcaster – BBC for the missing

horizontal integration – starz and BBC for the missing

 The series was co-produced by New Pictures, Company Pictures, Two Brothers Pictures and Playground Entertainment 

vertical integration –  The distributor is All3Media who sold the series at MIPCOM,

Media concentration/ convergence : companies working together i.e starz and bbc for the missing

media pluralism : different companies making different sorts of production and culture instead of one company making all the productions

Hesmondhalgh researches what it’s like for media workers and media concentration.

media bussiness are reliant upon changing consumption patterns.

reliant upon marketing and publicity

internet is dominant by a relatively small number of providers

internet increasingly dominated by commercialized activity


cultural industries-

Products exist as a result of their economic context. “Media content is manufactured to create profit, or in the case of a PBS to maintain audience engagement.”

commerce vs creativity

Media industry is a high risk business, impossible to predict audiences tastes and has high costs of production, hard to compete.

Tastes change all the time, cannot guarantee success.

Cannot control reviews(word of mouth), reliant on marketing ad publicity so that they can thrive.

Normally a one off production – means that there is only a one off reward therefore,media companies make several media productions in the hope that one may be a hit.

CHANGING AUDIENCE CONSUMPTION PATTERNS- relates to a detective series which is currently popular with audiences from all over the world. (Crime and detective genre.) Both the missing and witnesses both come under this genre.

Although this genre is popular at this moment audience tastes can change, the producers are taking high amount of profits.

The missing is broadcasted on the BBC, this can be accessed not only on live television but on mobile devices such as telephones, i-pads, laptops ect…

The missing had a total of 7.32 average viewers by the end of series one however witnesses only had an average 800,200 views.

STAR FORMATTING- Producers will often use big stars at the time of production to push their film/series, for example in the missing the Irish actor/presenter ‘ James Nesbitt’ was used who had previously done similar acting roles in series like ‘cold feet’ (another big crime related series)

Livingstone& lunt-

consumer based- audience can choose media content they can/want to watch. Giving media producers the freedom to produce whatever the consumers choose to consume. This seeks to guarantee audience choice and promotes product diversity.

Citizen based-

HesmondhalghCase Studies
Changing audience Consumption PatternsThis links to both the killing and no offence because they both have the same genre and it would be hard for producers to know what the audience is going to want next.
Multi-Sector Integration


HesmondhalghCase Studies
Changing audience consumptionThe Missing was created and broadcast by the BBC, this allowed for more people to watch and access the show
Multi-sector integration
Star formattingTchéky Karyo who starred in The Missing was also in a show called Baptiste, he starred as a detective in both of these shows
Genre based formattingWitnesses and The Missing are both Crime dramas, these sort of shows are of interest to the public as it gives people something to ‘figure out’ and gets people to think whilst watching a show
SerialisationThe BBC often make and host Crime dramas/thrillers, the BBC know there is an established audience for this and people will watch the shows since this is a genre that they’re interested in
Independent stylisingThe Missing focused on a missing boy in Germany which added an element of independent stylising as not every crime drama has someone go missing

hesmondhalgh & tv case studies

hesmondhalgh – faux benefits of cyberspace “technology as an anti authoritarian counter weight to traditional power sources”

missing – could relate to the missing in the sense that binary oppositions are used in regards to family vs community and law vs justice. This means that the traditional expectation is challenged in both sense.

hesmondhalgh – television “the internet is increasingly dominated by commercialized activity”

missing – Cooperation between the BBC, STARZ (USA) and the Belgian government’s Tax Shelter scheme. Means that because the BBC is a public service broadcaster, STARZ (USA, under lions gate entertainment), a commercial media company, aids to make profit through advertisements.

hesmondhalgh – serialization = enables producers to reduce the risk by constructing products that have an established audience.

missing – there was a spin off called “baptised” which had the same male protagonist and a similar plot line.


MULTI-SECTOR INTERGRATION  The missing theme song is ‘come home’ – Amatorski which Is a multi- sector integration between the BBC and starz with the music industry. As well as the composer Dominik Scherrer who wrote a full soundtrack for the program.   
STERILISATION  The missing had a second series – Baptiste is a spin off series of the missing.  Witnesses has 2 series   
STAR FORMATTING Tcheky Karyo the actor in the missing an the spin off baptise has been in multiple films and tv shows giving him a form of star power. As well as the fact he was used in baptise aswell so those who watched the first series of the missing and enjoyed it may be more enclined to watch the spin off.  


Hesmondhalghcase studies
star formattingthe missing: Keeley Hawes had appeared in many TV dramas before the missing therefore her starring in the missing would gain attraction towards the TV show from people who are fans of her or previous TV shows she has starred in.
internationalisationthe missing: the show gains more international appeal due to the setting being in Germany and there are switches between language through the show and providing subtitles when characters are not speaking English
Witnesses: (Les Témoins) witnesses gains an international appeal as it is set in France and spoken in French throughout the whole episode however because it is a popular genre it has been broadcasted in different places around the world such as the USA and the UK and provides a translated title and subtitles.
genre formattingfor both the missing and witnesses the titles help audiences gain an idea of the narrative of the shows before watching as they both suggest a sense of mystery and crime through the connotations of the words ‘missing’ and ‘witnesses’ and both tv shows are crime/mystery dramas.
serialisationboth products, the missing and witnesses, have at least a second season therefore minimising the risk of producing as they both already have established audiences who will be excited for the next series/episodes