hesmondhalgh & tv case studies

hesmondhalgh – faux benefits of cyberspace “technology as an anti authoritarian counter weight to traditional power sources”

missing – could relate to the missing in the sense that binary oppositions are used in regards to family vs community and law vs justice. This means that the traditional expectation is challenged in both sense.

hesmondhalgh – television “the internet is increasingly dominated by commercialized activity”

missing – Cooperation between the BBC, STARZ (USA) and the Belgian government’s Tax Shelter scheme. Means that because the BBC is a public service broadcaster, STARZ (USA, under lions gate entertainment), a commercial media company, aids to make profit through advertisements.

hesmondhalgh – serialization = enables producers to reduce the risk by constructing products that have an established audience.

missing – there was a spin off called “baptised” which had the same male protagonist and a similar plot line.

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