csp 14 & 4: Television

My chosen Television programmes are Deutschland 83 and Capital. Deutschland is set in Germany and Capital is set in London.

Curran and Seaton quotes which link to these programmes.

“The media industry is driven, Curran and Seaton tell us, by the twin forces of creativity and business.”

“Owning a variety of media company types enables the conglomerate to distribute product benefits across a range of media forms.”

“Media formats that are successful are replicated to deliver mass audiences.”

“Listeners are offered a broadcast that focuses on a single topic, facilitating detailed informative discussion.”

“Commercial media: An organisation that distributes products for economic gain.” Kudos is a commercial media that was involved in Capital. AMC Network is part of the production for Deutschland

“Vertical integration” – Banijay Group is the parent company of Capital

HesmondhalghCase Studies
Horizontal IntegrationAMC Networks was part of the production in creating Deutschland 83 and it is a horizontal integrated company
Risky buisnessDeutschland initial funding was $830,000
Genre based formattingThe genre of Deutschland is about a spy which is a genre which has been around for years which audiences enjoy
InternationalisationDeutschland 83 was a German made film however it was first released in USA
RemakesCapital was a book before it was a show
Risk reductionCapital follows a mainstream genre of mystery which entices audiences

Citizen-based regulation – Citizen-based regulatory systems outline a civic role for the media and encourage media makers to produce content that contributes to the social and cultural health of the societies in which they operate.

Consumer-based regulation – A regulatory system in which choices regarding content are largely devolved to audiences and where media makers are given as much freedom as possible to make the media that audiences want to consume.

The communications act 2003 – Designed to modernise and help the UK’S regulatory systems. Brought in Ofcom. Independent companies were freed up to produce content that was more commercially viable. Also made it so that in the production of planning there was a lack in civic-minded republicanism that has been fostered within previous regulatory frameworks.

Self-regulated system – Regulations made by the producing company for their own content. They can choose what is accepted and what is rejected.

In what ways is ‘genre’ beneficial for transnational audiences?

In what ways is ‘genre’ beneficial for transnational institutions?

from your chosen CSP’s
CHARACTERSIn the Missing & Witnesses the main detectives have a ‘natural’ instinct and ethics for law and order / good and badIn the Missing & Witnesses the main detective is not the typical ‘male hero’ Missing French, old, retired, limping. In Witnesses young, bold, female, French, immigrant, single motherPROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’, ‘princess’ (Witnesses), ‘father figure’, ‘despatcher’ (Missing)
the use of key themes to structure stories and characters around familiar themes: family, community, law and order, justice. Often set up as binary oppostions: right/wrong urban/rural, young/old, good/bad
radical and reactionary representations of police, family, law and order, through a range of signs (visual, graphic, audio, narrative, thematic etc)
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)light setting, Consistent camera shots,


2-step flow – Lazerfeld suggests that the media inject us with messages which we receive through opinion leaders. These are people who share their views and opinions about messages which the media prevail upon.

Hypodermic needle – political communication was used to disseminate propaganda.

Uses and gratifications – Blumler and Katz say that there are 5 ways in which people interpret media. Entertainment, Education, Social interaction, Identification and escapism

Hierarchy of needs – Abraham Maslow suggests that there is a hierarchy of needs which shows the different needs that humans have in order from most important to least important. For example the most important needs we have are breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping etc. He also says the least important needs are things like creativty, problem solving

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