The Killing:

Birger Larsen director

Main cast :

The primary audience, is Swedish people as the series in spoken in swedish.

The secondary audience, In the wake of the successful series, The Killing became another Scandinavian crime hit with British viewers when it was shown on in the spring of 2011. Although subtitled, it attracted more viewers than, scored audience appreciation figures of 94%, and has been described as “the best series currently on TV”. The success has created an interest in all things Danish, and the female detective’s  has been the subject of newspaper articles as well as becoming a sought after online item.

The tertiary audience, As well as the UK, DR also sold the series to a number of other broadcasters worldwide, and The Killing was eventually shown in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Japan, Russia and Spain with varying degrees of success.

Organisations: Produced by DR in co-production with ZDF Enterprises.

Audience theories: Reception theory Stuart Hall … A more conservative audience may respond negatively to the Swedish liberal attitudes to sex, … To Sofie Gråbøl’s sweatered detective in ‘The Killing.


Production = These are the stages that are created in order to produce a finished piece of media.

Distribution = Refers to how the media source is given to its audience (ie online, DVD, videos and E-Books).

Exhibition = This is how the media source is shown to the audience, such as through a tablet screen or a cinema screen.

What organisations (rather than individuals) are involved in the production, distribution & exhibition of this product?

Who is behind the Production?

  • There are two versions of this programme: one developed in the US by Netflix and Fox Television Studios and another developed in Danish by Danish production company DR in collaboration with ZDF Enterprises.
  • Originally, before the programme was taken over by Fox Television Studios and Netflix, it was produced by a production company called DR in collaboration with ZDF Enterprises.
  • The American version of this TV series was originally created by Veena Sud, it was also produced by Fox Television Studios in collaboration with Fuse Entertainment and later taken over by Netflix

How was “The Killing” Distributed?

  • In January 2007, it was broadcasted on Danish television for the first time.
  • Since being broadcasted on Danish television, it has also been distributed to many countries worldwide.
  • There has been many TV shows based on “The Killing” and it has both a Danish and English (US) version.
  • The English US version is available on Netflix and the Danish version is available online on Amazon.

What audience theories can be made from this TV show?

Stuart Hall’s theory of reception can be linked to this TV series as there will be 3 types of people: the people who love the series and want to continue watching it, people who may like the series but prefer a different programme and those people who absolutely despise the TV show and prefer to watch an alternative. However, it can be argued that George Gerbner’s cultivation theory can be applied to this TV show as some people may despise it, however, their views might change overtime the more that they see advertisements of the TV show and the more that they hear about people liking the TV show.


Primary audience = this would be people who speak and understand Danish as this programme is produced in Danish and would want to watch the TV series again.

Secondary audience = these would be people such as critics and people who aren’t likely to watch the film, however they want to analyse the aspects that go into the TV programme.

Tertiary audience = these are the people that do not want to watch the TV show and they are only watching it because there is a theme that interests them. The tertiary audience for “The Killing” would be people who do not speak/understand Danish and people who like TV shows in the mystery genre. The tertiary audience would not want to re-watch the series again ,unlike the primary audience.

No Offense:


No Offence is a mainstream television series in which the codes and conventions of the police
procedural crime drama are intertwined with aspects of social realism. Detailed analysis of this
media form including the process through which media language develops as genre will
provide students with an opportunity to understand and reflect on the dynamic nature of genre.


Single mother Dinah Kowalska, an off duty detective constable, pursues a murder suspect through the streets of Manchester, only for him to get knocked down and killed by a bus.

Curran & Seaton:

writers directors actors and photographers are tasked to give us exciting innovative and aesthetically pleasing products. while thise we call medias business managers are responsible for ensuring the profitability and comercial viability of products.

culture is controlled by social elites: media is controlled by a minority of wealthy institutions often work for the benefits of themselves

Commercial media: An organisation that makes or distrubutes products for ecenomic gains (Profit).

In the UK, the first episode of No Offence launched with 2.5 million viewers, Channel 4‘s biggest midweek drama launch for more than three years.

Horizontal integration: ownership of subsidiaries that produce similar types of products.

Vertical integration: ownership of subsidaries that enable a media producer to produce, promote and distribute products.

Media concentration/media convergence: A term used to describe the reduction in the number of media organisations that produce products.

Hesmondhalghcase Studies
Star formatting No offence directed by Paul Abbott is also well known for directing shameless.
The killing is directed by Birger Larsen who is well known for his award winning film Dance of the polar Bears.
Changing audience consumption patternsNo offence originally only viewable on channel 4 is now available to view on all 4 at all times.
The Killing is now available to view on Amazon Prime video.
Genre based formatting Both No offence and The killing have females portraying detectives as the lead role on their series.

What is the difference between a consumer based media regulation system and a citizen based regulation system?

consumer based media regulation is designed principally to encourage media plurality and to ensure that a diversity of broadcasters operate within the media landscape. Allows audiences to be able to access a broad range of content, opinions and ideas. (What you want).

Citizen based regulation is maintaining acceptable standards of content. Content makers are tasked to ensure that accuracy is maintained. (what you need)

What impact did the 2003 Communications Act have on media regulation?

  • Allowed consumer based regulation to dominate the media landscape
  • superseded the Telecommunications Act 1984
  • Created Ofcom. trying to ensure that the media landscape is not dominated by a single organisation.
  • Ofcom established institutional structures and roles relating to consumer policy. strikingly little equivalent activity or accountability was forthcoming regarding actions to further citizen interests.
  • independent television companies were freed up to produce content that was more commercially viable.
  • lacks the civic minded republicanism that had been fostered within previous regulatory frameworks.

What is the drawback of a self-regulated system?

  • Allows for wider variety in the media landscape
  • Freedom to say and do whatever you want
  • newspapers and advertisers are self regulated
  • ‘Get away with anything’
from your chosen CSP’s
CHARACTERSBoth lead roles are females.
Both detectives.
One is from Sweden.
One is from England
PROPP, presents the idea of STOCK CHARACTERS, inc ‘hero’, ‘false hero’,
Within both shows both lead characters are portrayed as heroes as they are trying to solve a murder as they are detectives.
TECHNICAL CODES / LANGUAGE OF MOVING IMAGE (music, setting, props, lighting, use of camera, editing etc)

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