statement of intent – NEA2

The song in my music video is by a local female artist, it is titled ‘Rehab’. My video will be about a teenage girl who is heartbroken about losing someone she loves, she goes into a downward spiral of depression and winds up being homeless. I will be showing the story from another person’s perspective, like someone else is watching the girl’s life. There will be a clear narrative structure in my production (equilibrium, disruption and new equilibrium). The opening scene of the video will be a wide shot of an empty park bench, then the girl comes into view looking upset and sits down on it carryinging all her belongings. This will set the scene, making it obvious that she is sad and also homeless. I will  incorporate  a circular narrative into the video, ending the video on the park bench where it started, this is to provide closure through a return of opening material rather than providing a clear conclusion, to show how she is still stuck in the same situation. My target audience is young adults, aged 18 – 25. I will target this audience by presenting the main character to be striving to escape stress which many young people can relate to. It will also show how easily someone’s life can take a turn and end up in a situation like hers, which is a growing concern in society today. I will use a range of camera angles and settings to show her journey more clearly, along with changing the pace in some scenes. Near the beginning and end I will keep the pace of the video rather slow to emphasise the equilibrium, however during the disruption when she is robbed of her belongings the pace will increase significantly. 

For my advert I will be advertising an upcoming album for the artist whose song is incorporated into my music video. I have taken inspiration from one of our close study projects ‘Oh!’ while making this particular advert, keeping it very modern and minimalistic. I will include the artist’s name, the name of the album and some featured songs. Along with this I will state the platforms that the album will be able to be streamed from such as Spotify and Apple Music and the release date. 

The front cover of my magazine will include a black and white image of the artist. The title will sit at the top of the page and read ‘Acoustic Weekly’ in black and red text. I will use a bold font and a sans serif text to make the title stand out. I have taken inspiration from old ‘NME’ magazines, particularly when it comes to the colour scheme. The target audience is indie/acoustic music listeners of all ages. I will use minimal language on the cover, only including concise cover lines and kickers to give a clear indication of what the articles inside entail.

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