Statement of intent

For my music video I intend to follow the NEA brief set 4. My chosen artist is a DJ which will be featured throughout my music video. My target audience will be males and females ages 15/18 who have an interest in house music or drum and bass. The point of my music video is to promote my chosen artist and raise his profile. In the video I will include clips of the DJ playing his song, I would also like to film clips of lights flashing which will be featured throughout the music video, the flashing lights will create a party like atmosphere, The DJing will be the dominant signifier in the video. I will include the headphones the DJ uses in the video. I would also like to include cars to present wealth, girls and beaches which are all stereotypical ideologies featured in a DJing music video which will make my video very much reactionary. I looked at style models and I decided to choose Calvin Harris and Avicii to be good inspiration for my music video because they use more than one location in their video which I am intending to do as well. In terms of Blumler and Katz uses and gratification theory, I would like my music video to serve as a source of escapism as anyone will be able to watch it as it is free to stream and download. I will use Lasswells Theory of the Hypodermic model to ensure my music video is being understood by the receiver.  

For my magazine doubIe page spread will have the DJ standing in front of a nice car to present wealth. I want to include picture to make it look more interest and engage the reader.  The artist will also be dressed in expensive clothes such as stone island. My double page spread will be an interview about my chosen artist’s journey regarding their DJing career and how they have come to the place they are today. One of the questions I will ask will be what helped and influenced them. The research I have done for this is the general layout of how an interview and advert is laid out.  

The front cover which is promoting the artists tour will include the places that my chosen artist will be playing at. I will also include dates that the event is taking place. I would also like to include the DJ’s logo somewhere on the page to help promote his name. I want the name of the DJ announcing the tour in the centre at the top of the page to follow the conventional layout.   

Statement Of Intent

How will you use media language and media representations in order to create a product that meets the requirements of the brief, would appeal to the target audience and also reflect the appropriate media industry? (Maximum 400 words)  

Be specific about the ways in which you will use aspects of media language, media representations, target your audience and reflect the appropriate media industry for your chosen brief. 

I intend to create a music video which is a release to be used as a promotional scheme for an upcoming tour/gig for a band playing in the UK. The music video will also be used as a promotional scene for a headphone manufacturer. I intend to have an intended audience of people who enjoy the genre of metal music but also those who own motorbikes as the product I will be promoting are headphones for your motorbike helmet. This doesn’t limit the audience through age but through music taste and whether they ride motorbikes or not. I will be using mise-en-scene and props in order to create a better understanding of the setting and make the audience more interested in the music video and the song which is being played and the product which is being shown through the music video.

For my music video I will look at how other videos use props such as motorcycles in their videos, I will use a range of angles and camera techniques such as depth of field in order to create the best aesthetically pleasing view point for the audience.

For the magazine I will be promoting the band in their upcoming tour, in which the video will promote one of their tour locations. But will also show an interview with the band members. I will be using the genre of the music in links with the magazine and target the same audience. I will be basing my ideas of an already made and popular metal magazine

Statement of intent

For my NEA coursework I will be completing brief two, I will complete a front cover, a double page spread, contents page and 3 adverts about gaming, I will use style models to influence my designs and make sure my magazine products are lifelike.

The target audience for my magazine will be 13-15 years old’s who have a strong interest in gaming. They willalso be in education and will not work but the parents will be middle class. The point of my magazine is to provide escapism and enjoyment for its readers, the goal is for them to want read and learn more about here favorite games. My audience would interpret my magazine as dominant reading as there interested in gaming, other people may view it as oppositional or negotiated but the people how buy it will enjoy gaming so they will like it. 

My magazine will be reviewing the most popular gaming icons and rating them, this will be done by a made-up YouTube star. This will follow a dominate ideology (reactionary) because the reviewer of the games is a male which is common for gaming magazines. My front cover is also mainly about popular game characters which is again common game idea and often used, this makes it an iconic sign as it is so recognizable.

I will use many popular gaming icons which I will make on 8 bit art which captures an audience due to there popularity. I will use a black background to make the characters stand out against the dark background. I will use a plugs to show the context and to make it more appealing. 

My magazine will relate to one of Noam Chomsky’s 5 filters of manufacturing consent, the role of advertising will be seen in my magazine as I will create adverts to advertise certain products my audience in order to get them to feed into the consumer culture. 

Overall i think I will do a good job at creating a interesting magazine cover which attracts attention and serves the purpose of providing people with the choice to escape reality. 

statement of intent

Statement of Intent 

For my game magazine, I intend to make a football related theme that revolves around the 8-bit design mixed with modernised animation. Incorporating 8-bit within my magazine is a way to challenge the dominant ideology of typical games magazines which are promoted nowadays. The main purpose of my magazine is to target a younger male audience, the most suitable ages are around 4-12 years old. A key aim to attract my target audience is to add a lot of colour within my magazine, as It is football themed, I intend to have a football pitch as the background. The layout of my magazine will be structured in a rule of thirds layout. I intend to incorporate C S Pierce’s theory of semiotics and signs for my iconic sign I am planning to have two 8-bit football characters within the centre of the page to be the main centre of attraction. Bright colours such as blue and yellow and green will be used as a way of drawing the attention of my target audience. My indexical sign will be different coloured fonts within the strapline and the plugs. For my symbolic sign I will use distinct colours to symbolise an actual football kit. For example, I may use blue and white to symbolise Argentina.  

Within the contents page I will maintain the football theme and use 2 to 3 main images and a list of key pages which will direct people to particular pages within the magazine. 1 of the images will be used as a dominant signifier to really stand out. Size and scale will be used within the images as the dominant signifier will be larger in size compared to the two other images. I will use different sized text such as Drop Cap the more important pages that are within the list may be highlighted or in a bigger font compared to the other pages.  

Within my adverts football will still be the main centre of attention. However, I will use real life football images and animated images to promote the sport further.  within the adverts there will be a dominant signifier also it will include anchorage as the dominant signifier will be a sign that fixes meaning.  the meaning that will be fixed is the dominant signifier is a footballer the sign that fixes meaning is a football that will be included with the dominant signifier 

statement of intent

In my NEA set brief 4, I am aiming to use Lasswell’s theory of the hypodermic model to ensure that the intended message is directly received and accepted by the receiver. I am going to create a music video to promote an artist. I will also use the uses and gratifications theory which will help me to understand why and how people are actively seeking out specific media to satisfy others specific needs. This will be helpful because the theory outlines major areas to focus on when creating a product that you want to appeal to your target audience. My target audience for this set brief is younger men and women interested in hip-hop and pop music, as this type of music might only really appeal to a younger audience of men and women. The language style used in this set brief for the interview and the advert will be a mix of formal and informal which would appeal and be easy to read for all ages. I aim to represent a music video and magazine not only for a younger audience but, also for people of all ages who are interested in smooth hip-hop and pop music. I intend to get non-copyrighted rap music which I would get from either YouTube or SoundCloud.

For the music video, I will repeat ideologies seen in pop and hip-hop music which consist of going out, having fun with friends. I will start off my music video by showing the empty streets and a quiet town , with one person walking the streets by themselves giving the idea of being isolated. They would put some headphones on and then there will be flashbacks to when that person was having fun with friends and going out when the streets were more crowded. This would then represent the idea of isolation. I will change up the angles within the video making sure there are different camera shots. I will also include long and close shots of places and characters. I will look at how other music videos use props such as cars and buildings to see how I can involve them into my these of isolation. I will be sure to use camera techniques such as depth or field to ensure I create a pleasing video for my target audience.

For my magazine, I will aim for it to be a source of escapism for the reader so that they feel that they can have some time to themselves, reading about music they enjoy. My magazine will also be cheap so anyone of any social class can afford to read it. Before planning my front cover, I created multiple magazine covers of different styles, to see which style of magazine would be the most effective in persuading the target consumer to buy it. I aim for my magazine to be engaging and to be radical, in order to encourage anyone of any age, gender or ethnicity to enjoy the music being promoted. Within the magazine I will be promoting an artist in their upcoming tour. I will do this by creating an advert which will advertise the places where the artist will be playing. I will also be creating a double page spread where I will interview the artist about their upcoming tour.

I intend to create a 4 page music magazine of the artist where it will focus on how the artist rose to fame and their lifestyle. For my front cover magazine, I plan to imply a similar style to Billboard magazines. I will have one large image of the artist covering the whole page, with the title at the top and minimal writing around the photograph. I will be using the theory of preferred reading. I will make a media product where I put ideas in the texts which I will expect my audience to understand. This is called the theory of preferred reading, by Stuart Hall. This is what the producers of the text wanted them to understand. However, each audience is different, so they might understand the text differently to what was initially intended.

NEA Statement of Intent

For my NEA coursework I have chosen to focus on the Brief set 4. I will base my music video around a single artist and my genre of music is classical piano.

I will focus on one main character as the dominant signifier and will create contrasting scenes using lighting and effect. One scene will portray loneliness and boredom, whereas to contrast, the following scene will include headphones and make the character appear more fulfilled and joyful. These scenes will alternate at a fast pace to show the difference between emotions.

As research, I looked at music videos from well known artists, Billie Eilish and Harry Styles. Both of these artists use a music video style that is meaningful and they generally create radical pieces. They challenge the dominant ideology by creating videos that are unique and different. I aim to use these videos as inspiration and perhaps follow some of their styles to create a pastiche.

I am going to look at ideas surrounding the theory of post modernism in my music video. I will include the idea of fragmentary identities, and will present this through the contrasting scenes. When the character is without her headphones she is depressed and low, however, when she has the headphones on, she is a completely different person and is filled with joy. I think these contrasting scenes will represent this theory well as it is believed that people can have two identities both online and offline.

Looking at reflexivity, I will create a video that allows the viewer to think about themselves and the way that they live their life. The portrayal of two different identities will hopefully allow the audience to think about themselves and their true identity, both on and offline.

statement of intent – music video

I will be focusing on my NEA 4 production. I will create a music video to promote an artist. I will be filming in at least 2 locations, with one character. My genre of music will be orchestral alternative Hiphop. I have collected my non copyright music from Youtube.

In preparation for my music video, I collected ideas by looking at music videos. the main music videos i have taken inspiration from are from the artists, Harry Styles, BTS, and Christina Perri.

My idea will portray scenes where the protagonist is looking sad and disconsolate. I will have scenes using natural lighting, studio lighting and under water sequences. Furthermore, i will introduce most of my scenes in slo-motion, as i feel it gives a more ambient and dramatic effect.

I will use Lasswells Theory of the Hypodermic model to ensure the music videos message is directly received and accepted by the receiver. My video would be more for an audience of young individuals who enjoy alternative hip hop music.

I intend to create a 4 page music magazine of the artist where I will focus on the secrets and struggles of being an artist. For my front cover magazine, I plan to portray style similar to Billboard magazines. I will have one large image covering the whole page, with the title centered at the top and minimal complimentary writing around the photograph. I will be using the theory of preferred reading. I will make a media product (magazine) where i put ideas in the texts which i will expect my audience to understand. Stuart Hall calls this a preferred reading, as this is what the producers of the text wanted them to understand. However, each audience is different, so they might understand the text completely different to what was intended.

I will be using the theory of uses and gratification, that was developed by Katz, Gurevitch and Haas (1973). The audience will watch this as escapism from the real world, and also a way of understanding the world in which we live in. As the artist portrays her feelings through the narrative theory, this allows the audience to understand the way artists really feel behind all the media. This also links with the cultivation theory, as the story behind the music video is all about how the media can change the way people feel, as the idea that being a well known artist can be overwhelming and difficult, making their identity fragmented.


According to the Internet, children are 27% of the entire population and fall in the DE Social group. My magazine will serve as a source of escapism and will be cheap, so anyone of any social class can afford it. Before planning my front cover, I created multiple magazine covers of different styles, to see which one was the most effective at persuading the consumers to buy it and was suitable for my target audience. I aim for my magazine to be engaging and to be radical, in order to influence more females to get into gaming since that is stereo-typically a males activity.

Before planning my magazine contents and adverts, I looked at examples of famous gaming magazines and noticed that game characters are predominantly male. The main aim of my magazine is to promote more females into the gaming industry, in which Gramsci’s cultural hegemony is being contradicted as I am trying to influence gender equality as gaming is stereo-typically a boy’s activity. I have thought very carefully about the sizing of my magazine, and I have decided on an A4 size of magazine because it will be able to fit into the consumer’s bag.  

For my adverts, I intend to help people stay connected, especially during the current Corona virus pandemic. Therefore, I intend on creating an advert based around a game that has online features because Maslow’s hierarchy of need identifies that people have a need of belonging, so through creating friends from online gaming, this need can be satisfied. My other adverts will be on a new gaming console because, like the online game, satisfies the need of belonging. My final advert is a game store because for many teenagers, it is a necessity and using Katz and Blumler’s Uses and Gratifications theory, the need of escapism can be satisfied as well as the need of relationships, which can be achieved through going online on gaming devices. My adverts will include females in order to empower them and they are presented as powerful, which contradicts Jean Kilbourne’s speech “The Dangerous Ways Ads See Women”, where she explores how women are wrongly represented in the media.

I have created Marian (the central image of my front cover) to appear radical to create the interpretation that women can be like men, in the fact that they can take on the adventure and action as well. I’ve also designed Marian to have masculine features to remove her sexuality and make her like male characters, as usually female game characters have exaggerated features. This contradicts Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze, where women are seen as a sex symbol. I have put Marian in a masculine pose, to challenge the dominant ideology and emphasise how women should be equal to men. Marian is also wearing clothes strategically covering her bottom, challenging the concept of voyeurism. I’ve also included no makeup on Marian to challenge the dominant ideology and emphasise how women and men should be represented truthfully, as not all females are the same as what is represented by the dominant ideology.    

The cultivation theory says that by creating more media challenging the dominant ideology, you will be able to change people’s theories. Within my magazine, I am aiming to cultivate cultivating the idea of equality for both males and females. This is shown by the common occurrence of females doing more male orientated activities, such as Marian (a female) being a female rally car driver, challenging the dominant ideology that only men can participate in car racing. 

statement of intent (A2 NEA SET BRIEF 4: MUSIC VIDEO)

For my work, I intend to comply with Set Brief Four, the music video. For the Genre of music I intent to use Hip Hop to which will be copyright-free to which I intend to source from rather youtube or Sound cloud. For the Music Video, I am intending to follow the ideology of Steve Neale on Genre and will reflect on how they contain instances of repetition and difference to which I will follow as I repeat ideologies seen in Hip Hop such as the main character on streets which tend to symbolise the ideology that most Hip Hop artists and Rappers tend to try to portray the toughness, the hardness of their upbringing but yet the humility and love for the area they have been raised in despite the hardships but for the difference, a good example of this is DaBaby’s “BOP on Broadway”. I will be doing My own take on a music video so it will be original as it will be to my own style to which I will explore the idea of mainly focusing on the gloominess of the surroundings and the character. For the camera shot, I will have long and close shots of the characters in scenarios such as Plain white space, A empty street, A studio and outdoors with cold, “street” tone’s etc I also want my transitions to be on the tempo of the beat ie in NSG music video Porsche they have multiple transactions to which syncs to the beat to create synergy between audio and visual.

I intend to also produce four pages of a music magazine with original images to which I intend to find a person to dress appropriately for a UK Rapper role. I intend to keep a simplistic approach to my magazine front cover and just have my main image to be of the upper half, a close-up photo of the artist to which he will be bold looking at the camera or be looking away, which will be big and bold at the center. with my magazine, I want the text to complement the main image with complementary colors, themes, and appropriate texts ie if the main image is in all black a monochrome tone could be applied with bold white in the back or grey, with bold big black text.

I will also produce a double-page spread on an interview to which I will also keep a simplistic idea with bold colours, texts and image to which will be complimentary. I will have my own original text for the interview. The bold text will be eyecatching with appropriate size to make it look like there is no awkward empty space and will rather be far left, centre or making it flipped going up the side. I will have also have original photos of my artist where I will have him centre to have it evenly spread on both the pages and use of adobe for my writing to surround the image through their large range of text layouts and techniques.

Finally, I will produce an advert which will be a tour advert for my band/artist once again I will have appropriate text size, complementary colors, and a simplistic ideal with my own photos and text. I will have an appropriate realistic-looking tour advert which will seem appropriate to the bands/ artist following looking at other rap band tours such as NSG to which of whom had used their album photo as the main image to which I will have taken inspiration from.