Definitions: Postmodernism

Pastiche – Is a work of visual art, literature, theatre or music that imitates the style or character of the work of one or more other artists. Pastiche celebrates the work it imitates.

Parody – Is a joke or a play on work which is created to imitate or make fun of an originals work, the subject, artist, style or other targets are imitated ironically to create a satirical effect.

Bricolage – Is a collection or collage of different media texts which form into one text.

Intersexuality – Is a person whos reproductive or sexual anatomy doesn’t fit the boxes of “Male” or “Female”

Metanarrative – Is a narratives about narratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge which offers a society legitimation through the anticipated completion of a master idea.

Hyperreality – Is the inability to distinguish reality from a simulation of reality, in Media a story can be presented that does not entirely reflect actual reality.

Simulacrum – Are copies of things that no longer have an original, Abstraction today is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being or a substance.

Consumerist Society – Is a societym in which people devote a great deal of time, energy, rescources and thought to consuming. The general view of life in a consumerist society is that consumption is good, and the more consumption the better.

Fragmentary identities – Refers to the loss of relatedness of ego parts, and a loss of aspects of ones identity.

Cultural appropriation – The unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the practices, customs, or aesthetics of one social or ethnic group by members of another (typically dominant) community or society.

Reflexivity – generally refers to the examination of one’s own beliefs, judgments and practices during the research process and how these may have influenced the research.

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