Magazine Band Plans + Style Models

Indie magazine, softer colours, double coloured lighting in studio with a main close up image and obscure or unique object/clothing choice (headphones/)

Double page spread will link to music video, with interview from the artist – interview tells that the event in the video (car crash) was based of his life, and talk about how he’d recovered from broken arm a year earlier, ready for his tour that is being promoted this year. Use an image from earlier shoot, different to cover as well as a few others

Advert have playing the drums with dramatic spotlight lighting with tour dates

statement of intent

I have chosen to work on a Games Magazine, for this I have decided to focus on the newest gaming consoles that are being released in the future and the games that will  come with these consoles, these new consoles plan on changing the way of gaming through the improvement of graphics, resolution, delay and more. My Games Magazines target audience is teenage boys from the ages of 13- 19, this is because these ages are mainly the majority of the gaming community, these audiences will need to be of middle-class backgrounds, because of this large age gap my magazine will not include derogatory or adult games as readers from the lower margin of my age gap will not be old or mature enough to read this.  

The research I have done for this advertisement includes studying the general layout of gaming magazines and how they present new products to audiences on their front covers and double page spreads, I have also looked at the newest products and consoles being released on platforms and how magazines persuade audiences to buy them. Finally, I have looked at the newest games being released for future consoles and how popular they are even before their release, this was done by looking at critical feedback and reviews from gamers who have played the games early.  

My magazine will display the newest gaming consoles and what their developers plan on improving and changing to make them better than previous ones. This will include examples of software improvements and graphics changes, as well as the developer’s description of the consoles and feedback from critics, this will be displayed to give my audience the information needed when considering buying the newest consoles, I believe my magazine would be extremely popular as many gaming audiences are currently focused on buying the newest consoles to enhance their gaming capabilities, furthermore, I will also include the newest games being released on these consoles and how they differ from games on the previous consoles.  

My front cover will display a gaming character from one of the newest games in the centre of the page with the most hyped new console, the PS5, this will be done to grasp the readers attention instantly. I will also include games characters that will be made on Fuse to further show the protagonists of the new games. 

My double page spread will be professional and tidy in the way it shows the new consoles and their descriptions from their developers and critics, it will also clearly display the most popular games that will be coming with the consoles and how they plan to immerse players.  

statement of intent

For my game magazine I plan to make a reactionary aimed at young men I plan to do this by using dark themes with a mid-shot looking at the characters back. I’m doing this because I find the eerie look interesting and stands out compared to other magazines. I will also use dots of colour like red for the important notices around the magazine this will attract the reader’s attention which will talk about the most popular games in the magazine. My title and main attraction of the magazine will cover most of the front cover with my character image being the best as it will be the first thing to appeal to a consumer. 

The contents page will be very basic as it’s not used to try influence people to read it and needs to be simplistic, so people find it easy to get the page they need. However, I will still have some interesting details like small cut outs of characters with page numbers. These will be used as small features for the most popular pages of the magazine.  

My first advert is for a mouse which seems dull as everyone has a mouse, but I will use special effects to make it stand out to give the advert so colour and to create some interest. I will keep to the theme of the magazine by creating a black background almost space themed, but I will add an element of blue as the product has blue LEDs on it. My second advert will be an advert for a basketball game this because most people in my target audience will be interested in sport 

My double page spread will be the main feature of the game which will involve using brownish colours to link to the front cover using fire or the desert which will continue the theme throughout the magazine. 

Statement of Intent A2

My Magazine is aimed towards young adults and teenagers age 14-20 who are interested in games and gaming culture. This audience will be therefore mostly middle class because they will be able to afford games and the hardware needed to play them. I will focus my magazine around reviewing games and providing stories related to the gaming industry and gaming culture, informing readers of games to buy or avoid and telling readers about new developments in gaming. 

My game adverts will feature different products related to gaming: I will include an advert for an upcoming game, an advert for an upcoming console, and an advert for a gaming mouse. The adverts will be aimed towards the target audience of the magazine, but they will not necessarily follow the house style of the magazine because adverts are produced by other companies and the magazine will feature those designs. My game advert will include images of people to simulate the graphics of the game that is being advertised. This will be linked to postmodernism as I will aim to produce the adverts to conform to commercial media standard by creating a hyperreality and glorifying consumption of excess. The game also appeals traditionally to masculine audiences since it is a violent fighting game. Because of this, the advert is reactionary and conforms to the overrepresentation of games that are violent and appeal to males and the male fantasy. For my gaming console advert, I plan to again apply postmodernism in a typical way to praise consumption of the product being advertised and to attract customers. For my gaming mouse advert the language will be imperative to apply postmodern theory as well as the idea of hailing individuals in society developed by Althusser. 

My magazine’s front page will feature an image of a friend who will act as a character in the game being featured prominently on the front page. Since this character that will be featured is a white male the cover is reactionary, without featuring a female character the cover appeals to the mainly male audience of video game media and conforms to the general representation of white men in video games. The cover also will feature insights into what articles and stories are featured inside the magazine which will attract customers and communicate what is inside the magazine to them. My Magazine’s contents page will also provide information on what is in the magazine, but the primary purpose is informational while the features on the front cover is to advertise the magazine to potential customers. The contents page will list every article in the magazine. These will not be created apart from the double page feature but will be on the contents page to create verisimilitude and to make the magazine look like an actual magazine. The list will feature an image for each article to again increase verisimilitude.