NEA Statement of Intent

I am doing the NEA 2 which is the games magazines and adverts. I will do this by creating a radical product using a man as the dominant signifier in a war themed video game. This is radical as it is stereotypical having a man character being represented as the protagonist in an action genre game. I will use a Fuse man gamer on the front page as it conveys the message that it is for a specific target audience, the person will be wearing a headset and holding a controller with stereotypically big arms. My contents, I will then include pictures of animated characters to advertise a new game and screenshots from this game. For the double page spread I will use one image of a fuse character that will take up a lot of space on the left side, this corresponds with Judith Butler’s theory of gender as performative. As the game is a cross between skating and war which are both typically male dominated. The style model I have used for this is:

For the three advert prints I will be advertising an online football event. To communicate this I will use a background of a football stadium with bold writing to show the date and time of the event. This could appeal to a niche audience that enjoys football games as well as action. This is playing on the assumption of what men in this target audience would enjoy and what else would appeal to them. My next print will be an advert for a new games controller with voice recognition, the colours are blue and white which mocks the stereotypical colours associated with the male gender. This would appeal to a gaming audience as it is a new technology that is easier than using headphones with a microphone. My 3rd advert is for a new game called ‘Action Adam’ which is a game that features a typical action figurine-looking solider, who is based in a city doing different tasks. This game/advert would appeal to the audience as it fits within the action genre and in terms of representation, the target audience could identify as ‘Adam’ and give a sense of secured masculinity. The background will show a landscape of buildings to give an understanding of the setting within the game and have the avatar ‘Adam’ as the dominant signifier.

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