statement of intent

In my NEA set brief 4, I am aiming to use Lasswell’s theory of the hypodermic model to ensure that the intended message is directly received and accepted by the receiver. I am going to create a music video to promote an artist. I will also use the uses and gratifications theory which will help me to understand why and how people are actively seeking out specific media to satisfy others specific needs. This will be helpful because the theory outlines major areas to focus on when creating a product that you want to appeal to your target audience. My target audience for this set brief is younger men and women interested in hip-hop and pop music, as this type of music might only really appeal to a younger audience of men and women. The language style used in this set brief for the interview and the advert will be a mix of formal and informal which would appeal and be easy to read for all ages. I aim to represent a music video and magazine not only for a younger audience but, also for people of all ages who are interested in smooth hip-hop and pop music. I intend to get non-copyrighted rap music which I would get from either YouTube or SoundCloud.

For the music video, I will repeat ideologies seen in pop and hip-hop music which consist of going out, having fun with friends. I will start off my music video by showing the empty streets and a quiet town , with one person walking the streets by themselves giving the idea of being isolated. They would put some headphones on and then there will be flashbacks to when that person was having fun with friends and going out when the streets were more crowded. This would then represent the idea of isolation. I will change up the angles within the video making sure there are different camera shots. I will also include long and close shots of places and characters. I will look at how other music videos use props such as cars and buildings to see how I can involve them into my these of isolation. I will be sure to use camera techniques such as depth or field to ensure I create a pleasing video for my target audience.

For my magazine, I will aim for it to be a source of escapism for the reader so that they feel that they can have some time to themselves, reading about music they enjoy. My magazine will also be cheap so anyone of any social class can afford to read it. Before planning my front cover, I created multiple magazine covers of different styles, to see which style of magazine would be the most effective in persuading the target consumer to buy it. I aim for my magazine to be engaging and to be radical, in order to encourage anyone of any age, gender or ethnicity to enjoy the music being promoted. Within the magazine I will be promoting an artist in their upcoming tour. I will do this by creating an advert which will advertise the places where the artist will be playing. I will also be creating a double page spread where I will interview the artist about their upcoming tour.

I intend to create a 4 page music magazine of the artist where it will focus on how the artist rose to fame and their lifestyle. For my front cover magazine, I plan to imply a similar style to Billboard magazines. I will have one large image of the artist covering the whole page, with the title at the top and minimal writing around the photograph. I will be using the theory of preferred reading. I will make a media product where I put ideas in the texts which I will expect my audience to understand. This is called the theory of preferred reading, by Stuart Hall. This is what the producers of the text wanted them to understand. However, each audience is different, so they might understand the text differently to what was initially intended.

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