NEA Statement of Intent

For my NEA coursework I have chosen to focus on the Brief set 4. I will base my music video around a single artist and my genre of music is classical piano.

I will focus on one main character as the dominant signifier and will create contrasting scenes using lighting and effect. One scene will portray loneliness and boredom, whereas to contrast, the following scene will include headphones and make the character appear more fulfilled and joyful. These scenes will alternate at a fast pace to show the difference between emotions.

As research, I looked at music videos from well known artists, Billie Eilish and Harry Styles. Both of these artists use a music video style that is meaningful and they generally create radical pieces. They challenge the dominant ideology by creating videos that are unique and different. I aim to use these videos as inspiration and perhaps follow some of their styles to create a pastiche.

I am going to look at ideas surrounding the theory of post modernism in my music video. I will include the idea of fragmentary identities, and will present this through the contrasting scenes. When the character is without her headphones she is depressed and low, however, when she has the headphones on, she is a completely different person and is filled with joy. I think these contrasting scenes will represent this theory well as it is believed that people can have two identities both online and offline.

Looking at reflexivity, I will create a video that allows the viewer to think about themselves and the way that they live their life. The portrayal of two different identities will hopefully allow the audience to think about themselves and their true identity, both on and offline.

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