music video as

Create a three-minute music video to promote a musical artist/band.

-The artist/band has record company backing and already has a strong social media following.

-The video aims to raise the profile of the artist/band and help appeal to a mainstream audience.

You may select the genre of music. The video should feature the artist/band and use media language choices that both reflect the codes and conventions of the musical genre and act to construct a clear brand identity for the artist/band. The video is being released as part of the promotion of the artist/band’s forthcoming UK tour. The artist/band has a sponsorship deal with a headphone manufacturer and their product should be featured in the video in some way

Minimum Requirements:

At least two / three filming locations

indoor living room (party/ after party scenario)

outdoor (middle of street,top of cliff )

A range of camera shots, angles, and movement, to establish the locations and representations

-circulating shots

-close up

-long shots

Appropriate framing of shots

Appropriate choices of imagery to create meaning

Editing of the footage for meaning, including continuity and/or visual effect

Use of appropriate lighting and mise-en-scène.


jason as an artist ( also his music)

uk rap

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