A2 NEA Plan:

Music video and Music magazine:


Week 1 – 18th – 22nd: Find music and style models to have for inspiration. Start thinking about footage. Draft Statement of intent. Remember the headphone promotion.

Week 2 – 23rd – 29th: Develop footage and keep building on premier pro. Edit and cut scenes so that there is a complete first draft of the music video. Magazine working name “Indie Girl.”

Week 3 – 30th – 6th: Start working on cover and tour page. Check proportions for prints. Still working on music video. Start to draft dialogue for the music interview. Make sure there are seven original photographs.

Week 4 – 7th – 13th: Finish cover and tour page by Wednesday of this week. Finalize music video and start to complete double page spread/ interview in in-design.

Week 5 – 14th – 18th: Print off cover and tour page and finish double page spread to print. Make sure all final edits of the Music video is completed.

music video as

Create a three-minute music video to promote a musical artist/band.

-The artist/band has record company backing and already has a strong social media following.

-The video aims to raise the profile of the artist/band and help appeal to a mainstream audience.

You may select the genre of music. The video should feature the artist/band and use media language choices that both reflect the codes and conventions of the musical genre and act to construct a clear brand identity for the artist/band. The video is being released as part of the promotion of the artist/band’s forthcoming UK tour. The artist/band has a sponsorship deal with a headphone manufacturer and their product should be featured in the video in some way

Minimum Requirements:

At least two / three filming locations

indoor living room (party/ after party scenario)

outdoor (middle of street,top of cliff )

A range of camera shots, angles, and movement, to establish the locations and representations

-circulating shots

-close up

-long shots

Appropriate framing of shots

Appropriate choices of imagery to create meaning

Editing of the footage for meaning, including continuity and/or visual effect

Use of appropriate lighting and mise-en-scène.


jason as an artist ( also his music)

uk rap