
Released in 1967

Equal pay act in 1970

The male gaze is pulled by the short tied up clothing revelling lots of skin and heavy makeup

The use of adventurer clothing and jungle décor make shows a dangerous setting forcing the women to go to the man for “protection”

It also has connotations to Britain’s colonial past to attempt to show power although many colonies where leaving around this time and after

The only person with a gun is the male continuing the notion of protection of the women by the man. The stereotypical male, strong independent brave, gets emphasised with the outfit and gun

The women carry the man showing the subservient nature expected of women at the time. And there political and social position in the UK at the time

The 5 women to 1 man ratio attracts a male audience and the male gaze and hints to the ability of the cream to get you women

The muscular hair man aids the heterosexual notion of the advert and society at the time ; along side the gathering of admiring women

The lack of POC gives us an insight into the rampant racism at the time

“Get what u always wanted” targets the dominant ideology of the male audience at the time to be swarmed by women and to be more powerful then them.

“made by men” The product has no hint of female interaction as that wouldn’t be masculine.

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