CSP 12 Curran and Seaton question

Curran and Seaton believe that media is controlled by a small number of companies who are driven by: Profit, power and logic. This led them on to present the radical idea of the Liberal free press which means a free press that isn’t controlled by the government. ” the freedom to publish in the free market ensures that the press reflects a wide range of opinions”. This allows for no political bias in the media which suggests there will be politically balanced stories with in the media. However, to do this there needs to be a free market which is the idea of how no media is forced and is priced, by businesses, at regular quantities without any government control. It is also used to serve the public. “Broadcasting was started as a public service” This relates to the theory of Althusser who suggests the theory of Interpolation. This is a theory that was created by people in high social and political power an example is people in the government. “an ideology always exists in an apparatus, and its practice, or practices” The quote suggests that with in media, there is always an ideology which is presented to the audience which can be used as propaganda to make the audience believe a certain political view. This then relates to his second theory of the Ideological state apparatus which means even outside of media the governmental practices are still adapted because the audience of the political media will adapt these ideologies to everyday life. 

Evidence is presented by The Daily Mail and The I newspapers. The Daily mail was founded in 1896 and is owned by General Trust PLC which owns multinational companies and the chairman of the company is The viscount Rothermere. The paper has a right winged political view. This is shown through the paper which uses propaganda such as its articles based on the presidential election of 2020. The paper released on November 5th of 2020 where it states the election to be “knife edged” which was in large title text and used as click bait. This states the election is viscous, this makes the public believe that the election is similar to a war where there will be harm caused if either win the election which makes this form of media look capitalistic. This allows a wide number of individuals who read the daily mail to become right winged because of subtle uses of propaganda and they mainly target middle class women . As of November 6th 2020, there was a circulation of 1,134,184 which shows how many people will believe and follow the daily mail as there dependent source of use.  

This is unlike The I newspaper. The I was founded in 2010 which is where radical left ideologies were more viewed. The paper claims to have an unbiased political view and the paper focuses on social and political issues. Evgeny Lebedev owns 41%, Sultan Muhammad Abuljadayel owns 30%, Justin Byam Shaw owns 26% with minor shareholders owning 3 percent. On Thursday 5th of November, The i released a news paper with the front cover page of the 2020 presidential election. The paper states “Biden edges closer to the White House” In big, bold black text. Unlike the daily mail, The i doesn’t use click bait and only states the political and social issue by using facts seemingly without any right or left winged bias and is for simply serving the public and public good. The paper targets 15-35 year olds which are subject to being swayed in the terms of political bias and has a circulation of 215,932 in 2020 of November which means these people won’t be biased and this is their source to get public information.  

The theories link with these forms of media because The i newspaper seems to be a free market which serves for the public good which shows how the paper isn’t controlled by any political view and remains unbiased and reviews a wide range of opinions which is beneficial to the public as a whole. However, The daily Mail seems to reflect Althusser theories of Interpolation and Ideological state apparatus. This is because the paper reflects the right winged views which the theory of Interpolation states there will be a political ideology in an apparatus and is practices which means in media there will be a political bias. This is a form of propaganda and links the Daily Mail to the theory of ideological state apparatus because the consumers of the paper will have a right winged bias and adapt this bias into their everyday life and there’s a circulation of 1,134,184 which means this many people will be subjected to this. This then relates to audience theory and the theory of Chomsky’s lack of freewill which suggests readers believe what they see and adapt it to their own lives and don’t make their own political opinions and adapt the ones they see unwillingly. 

 I believe that people believe what they read and agree with it because they innately do so and it biases them. This suggests that the readers of The Daily Mail will have a right winged political bias where as readers of The i remain politically biased.

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